Rain, rain go away
Will someone please tell whoever is in charge of weather 'enough already'! So sick of this constant persisting down, cold wind and grey skies skimming our heads....lordy, lordy. There is going to be a mass exodus out of the country soon. Sorry to moan but it really does get you down when you have only had one lovely day in months!Anyway, onto other things. Yesterday's comments were very interesting, so here is the second in the series of Embellished sketchbooks!I really would'nt like to count the hours that have gone into this, but this is the age old problem with making items.....unless of course you have hit the big time, one never really recovers time and costs, but hey.....I'm not complaining (although it sure does sound like it). I am really happy making....... and if it sells, that s such a wonderful bonus.

I added a snippet of the letter that came with this Letter Card, I thought it so sweet and from so long ago. The number '95' tag is really special too, it just goes a treat on the top of this and I think it is made of bone. Again the use of old mother of pearl buttons just shimmer a bit of light into it.Thank you all so much for your endless support and great comments, very much appreciated x
Beautiful. I bet this is sold too.
Isn't the weather awful? I agree.
Yay!! I got this one!! Thank you Viv for continuous gift of beautiful things for me to purchase!! You are so inspiring :)
Also Viv, I wanted to give you blog and your etsy shop a "shout-out" on my blog. I wanted to get your permission first though before I posted the links. Let me know if that is ok by leaving a comment on my blog. Thanks!
It is lovely!
Your work is so truly pretty to look & inspiring. I would love to see some rain. There hasn't been any here for a few weeks. Maybe we can switch climates for a week.
Your 'art envelopes' really complement the journal, just feels right together. wonderful and touching as always.
These are absolutely beautiful! What lovely work and such a great momento. kudos to you!
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