Do you like the look of my blog? My lovely friend Pam J. fromthecraftroom made the banner and background for me, using my photos. She has also made my Etsy and web site banners too. She is so talented and her blog and related pages are a true feast for the eyes. Take a look for yourself. Thank you Pam.
Well I finally have my copies of Cloth Paper Scissors. I was told before the article was published that I would get 2 copies and I have waited one whole month for them. Very surreal somehow to see the stitched pieces in a magazine but I must admit to being thrilled to bits!
Bliss......... is a vintage bird book ......I love 'em. I've got quite a few lovely old bird books, oddly enough!!! Could not resist this beauty.
Best of all the colour plates of birds eggs.
Oh.... and onto my bestest find of the week, I could'nt believe my luck when I came across this beauty. A Helena Rubinstein box with the most delightful illustration all over top and bottom of the box. The little figures are a delight.
I just adore it, but when you open the box......
what lies within? Four small boxes, which look very much like matchboxes but ....

what lies within? Brooches and earrings!!! Who hoo!!! I think from around the 50's? Someone obviously went on a trip to Engelberg and Interlakin and purchased a few brooches and a set of Gentian earrings as a memento. They are made from a kind of plastic and the detailing is stunning. I just keep looking at them, they are so lovely.

This is a before piccy and

this is the after piccy.
You may remember that I made a few necklaces from crocheted flowers not so long back, incorporating precious little items and buttons. I have been aching to have another go with the crocheting hook and here we are. I used the doily, above, as the starting point, decorated it with some of my most lovely buttons and other tiny objects and then crocheted the actual necklace incorporating more mother of pearl lovelies.
Bit of lace and a handmade velvet flower chucked into the mix and heading off to Etsyland.
I also wanted to tell you that I have opened up another Etsy Shop called vintagehensteeth
Inside one of the books is this poor creature. The pattern is entitled 'To flatter the larger figure' said in a truly british accent now. Oh charming, she only looks like a size 12!!!! Poor thing, no wonder her arms are held at a rakish angle, she's breathing in for all she's worth. She can't be comfortable.
what lies within? Four small boxes, which look very much like matchboxes but ....
what lies within? Brooches and earrings!!! Who hoo!!! I think from around the 50's? Someone obviously went on a trip to Engelberg and Interlakin and purchased a few brooches and a set of Gentian earrings as a memento. They are made from a kind of plastic and the detailing is stunning. I just keep looking at them, they are so lovely.
Onto my next 'show and tell'.
Not a 'find of the week' but 'the only thing I have managed to make all week' thing. (Day job has been billy bonkers)!
This is a before piccy and
this is the after piccy.
Bit of lace and a handmade velvet flower chucked into the mix and heading off to Etsyland.
I can't keep buying without something having to go. The house is groaning as it is and the loft, well let's not go there!
So here are a few items I shall be listing.
A real cameo pendant....
Some really lovely old knitting patterns.
Is'nt she pretty? If only I looked like that and oh to be able to wear a fitted fair Isle type jumper.
The illustrations against the black are so striking of this lovely old paper knitting pamphlet.
The illustrations against the black are so striking of this lovely old paper knitting pamphlet.
They are posing in a very jaunty fashion. The bottom left hand figure is a very brazen or is she doing a Morecombe and Wise 'bring me sunshine' dance.
Inside one of the books is this poor creature. The pattern is entitled 'To flatter the larger figure' said in a truly british accent now. Oh charming, she only looks like a size 12!!!! Poor thing, no wonder her arms are held at a rakish angle, she's breathing in for all she's worth. She can't be comfortable.
I LOVE YOUR NEW BACKGROUND !!!! I think I´ll came more often to your blog now, only to take a look ;-) Now I´ll pop ower to you new etsy!
ha, ha it wasn´t so much to look at yet ;-) but I give it a heart anyway, I know you gonna have great stuff there Good luck!
Even in the small photographs of the Cloth Paper Scissors pages I can see how great your work looks.
Hi, your blog looks beautiful, the banner is gorgeous and the background is lovely too.
I've got a vintage bird's egg book too, it's so scrummy it lives on my "best" shelf with my home style books :)
Mel xxx
I enjoyed the article in CPS. I don't have an inkjet printer but I want to put some images on cloth. Any ideas how I can do it? I love the necklace
Loved reading all that..the bird book is lovely and as for the rest,it is all just as lovely..thank you!! ;-)
lovely new blog Viv - very swanky indeed!
I love your new look blog page! Well done Pam! I love visiting too!!
Carole ;)
The article looks fantastic Viv, well done, you deserve it. That box with the 50's earrings!!! how beautiful are they? What a find!
viv, congratulations....cps looks fabulous, blog is delicious to look at (and read, as always - always so much to catch up on!!) and I've just indulged in some late night flickr activity (not rude!)...gorgeous pics xx
new look blog is great,
you are truely the queen of thriftin'
i got CPS last week - great article, must be a lovely feeling x
orning Viv..I cant tell you how much I love your little box of treasures...lucky lukcy you...i also love the vintage bird book...what lovely drawings....I may have some little metal 'suspender things'..not sure what you call them..they are no use to me ...if you send me your address I will post them to you..its ok they are tiny so your house wont groan too much...I have lots of vintage knitting patterns..i am afraid I do something terrible with them....I cut out black and white pictures of my firends and stik them over the heads of the models then write saucey captions and make them into cards.....have a lovely sunday
WOW !!! Fabulous posting, lovely things collected and made. Thankyou for sharing. Ann
I loved your article in cps, in fact, after seeing you write about it on your blog it was the only reason I subscribed!
your new blog looks fab!
Hi Viv,
Love your new header!
I loving visiting your blog to see your mix of vintage and creative designs.x
I finally got a copy of Cloth Papaer Scissors this week - great article. I love the crochet necklace.
I absolutely love the new header and background on your blog, they look great! I will be whizzing over to peer at your friends shop and blog and also to your new shop on etsy too.
what fab finds you make! love the rubenstein box and 'jewels' inside, what an amazing find.
love the necklace. your article in cps is well deserved, you're a v talented lady! ;0 x
...talkin' of vintage birds...ahem... X;0)
She shoot's! She scores!! Good luck on the new jobby front chickadee...(one post behind as ever then)...and digging the new background and shop.
I love your new background too! Its fabulous! Congratulations on getting published... you so deserve it - I know there will be more of that in your near future! Your work is truly amazing and original!
Your new blog is GORGEOUS. I'm so jealous(in a nice way!).
And your work just gets more amazing by the post.
I have seen you at Margaret's before and thought I would pop in. I love your blog too! Great banner, inspiring content. All of my favorite things-- anything vintage and hand made or hand made from vintage! I'll defintely be back!
my goodness what a packed post! Love all of it. Your work is so good! love the vintage birds photos.
I want to go shopping with you! You find such fun and beutiful things.
The new banner & background are lovely.
Thanks for the smiles you bring.
Happy days,
Loving the make-over almost didn't recognise you. The bird books are lovely, I think I have a small pocket book of birds which belonged to my dad, my brother ended up with the aeroplane version. I used to sit and draw the birds and practice watercolour painting with my grandad. Bless him.
Have a good week. X
I adore your new banner! It looks as though I could reach out and touch the thread! just lovely! And what a find that box was! I wouldn't be able to stop looking at it either!! too cute!
IF you have a spare minute, come by my blog to pick up an award and pass it on. Your beautiful blog inspires me!
Viv, I just popped over to your blog from Nathalie Thompson's. I love your Helene Rubenstein box. L-O-V-E I-T! I adore your necklace as well.
I will definitely be back for more visits and to see more of your great finds.
So nice to "meet you",
Your blog looks wonderful and I love your new Etsy ~ the cameo is so tempting!
Viv, great new background and the banner is gorgeous. Congratulations on the new award from Nathalie.
I really enjoyed reading about your work in Cloth Paper Scissors this issue. I took it to the Embroiderers Guild meeting today and showed everybody!
Have a good creative week, best wishes Carolyn
Love seeing and reading about your delightful finds! And so glad you've decided to open a vintage etsy shop! I finally found and bought a copy of Cloth Paper Scissors - your article is fabulous (of course I bought it just for that reason!)
Hi Viv! I just read your article in CPS and it was GREAT! I'm not at all surprised to see your wonderful work published! Good job!
Hi, and greetings from Bristol
Have just found your lovely blog! Look forward to reading more of your posts!
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