I was fortunate enough to have the chance to go on a College trip last Wednesday to Bath. I had forgotten, although I know Bath well, just how beautiful it is. This tree with it's delicate blossom against the soft pale Cotswold stone was just stunning.
I visited the Fashion Museum.....full of divine clothing, through the ages. The Bill Gibb designs amazed me, all of his models must have been 7' tall and thin as garden rakes.
I managed to do a bit of drawing at the Museum, very fast, quick sketches.
Talking of shopping, I have been spending like I have won the lottery over the last few days. I went to an Antique Fair with my mum and had a great morning, oohing and arghing over the priceless, gorgeous goodies.
Picked up a couple of 50's cook books, adore the illustrations, oh yes I do.
Then yesterday, Mark and I visited the Rag Market at Stroud organised by stroudinternationaltextiles . (Mark walked around Stroud)! A collection of sellers selling vintage fabrics and all things vintagy and needleworky. I was actually shaking when I got in, overwhelmed and not sure where to start and what to buy. I soon overcame that and spent a bloody fortune. Well not that much but enough!
Bit of bed time reading.
Hankies, braid, buttons, fabric....
This hanky box, is stunning, I nearly screamed when I saw it!
and made this! Fabric from the Rag Market, samples of vintage tweed. The factory had closed and the lady that sold them to me, said that she had bought all of the samples. How could she part with them?
This morning I spent sorting and tidying my studio, as it had become a bit of a tip. I have not made anything for a fortnight, what with new job and usual fatigue thing. So I had some strong dialogue with myself and got on with it.
I love the coin purse!
You certainly have got around lately!
Good luck with the new job.
love the pics of Bath, have not been there for years.
Loved all your Buttons, and the purse
Thank Gawd for that, got quite worried there! x;0)
Top Bath...Bathing? trip...missis!
Hope the new jobby is going spiffingly..get you all techie..(see I could've said summin about old scrubbers there but I didn't!)
Just the thought of your adventure makes me gitty. What fun. I love the coin purse it is exquisite.
What a lovely purse. You are clever.
How nice to be reading you again - it seems like such a long time since your last post.
Loving your purse - if it were mine it would last ages as I've never got any money to put in my own, although there are loads of 'loyalty' cards - I am loyal to a heap of shops.
Bath keeps cropping up in conversation lately and I may well have to talk the lovely man into taking me there again - I particularly like the American Museum in Claverham - have you been?
That purse is beautiful, your work is so good. Your sketches are brilliant, I would love to be able to draw.
Hope the new job goes really well :)
Mel xxx
What wonderful inspiring adventures! I love it all, I want to be there with you. Just adore that hanky box, what a find! Oh and that amazing purse, you are very talented!
Sophie x
I'm baffled - are you suggesting that there are people out there who might be bored by buttons? Surely not?!
Beautiful purse. Tweeds are so cosy and comforting t.x
Bath is lovely isn't it. I first went there as an art student over 20 years ago and was smitten. Congratulations on your new job and hope it all goes well :-)
What a delightful purse - I'm not surprised that it's sold. Those buttons and the hanky box are such treasures! I love seeing other people's lovely finds. Emma x
Viv-we have a lot in common more than you know. I love your sketches! I can imagine you are tried with the new job it is very physical. Enjoy it. Keep posting.
Hurray hurray you 're back...what a wonderful time you have had...I loved your pictures and hearing your news..you are mean tempting us with these lovely purses and then telling us they are sold...hope you are enjoying your new job...love and hugs H
I used to live in Bath, it's lovely at this time of year, just before it gets too crowded in the Summer!
love your purses, have been following your work on Flickr :)
Really love your little purse, lovely mix of fabrics.
Wondered where you'd got to, might of known you were off spending your hard earned dosh, nevertheless all superb purchases (especially the books) Just had to pick myself up off the floor after the pics of the purse, good gracious my dear you are a talent, what on earth are you doing working for someone else??!!
I love the purse!
congratulation of having a new job! good luck
I live in Bath,oh yes it's so beautiful place
What a lovely time you've been having. I like the sound of your apron, and the purse is just gorgeous.
LOVE your purchases! You can never have too many buttons (or too much fabric!). I too get silly at textile fairs, I get a real head rush, similar to a strong coffee and run around like a fool. Fabricaholics!
That purse is delicious!
Lovely sketches, great purchases and a beautiful purse! :-)
Last time I went to Bath it was for the Christmas market where I bought a stash of lovely colourful buttons. Your posts are a perfect balance of inspiring treats and interesting trips :-)
An absolute delight to see and read this post. Thank you for sharing so many beautiful and inspiring images. All best wishes with your new job !! xx
i'm sure you probably get a lot of these, but there's a bit of appreciation for your wee blog over at mine, no need to follow it up if you don't want to, i just wanted to let you know... :)
I love the purse...great fabrics!
I've only been to Bath once,and only for a day but I'd love to back and spend more time there.
Good luck with your new job!
Hi, sounds and looks like you had a fabulous time. Lots of retail therapy too is always a bonus. Love your coin purses, they are perfect
Hope you have a great weekend! Carolyn
I hope you are enjoying your new position at the college. I would love to work somewhere like this.
A new college is being built near where I live and I am hoping there will be interesting job opportunities there.
ps. These purses are a delight!
Hi! Thanks so much for those lovely words. I saw your lace purses on flickr...adorable.
Hi I just wanted to let you know that I have given you a Kreativ Blogger Award, just pop on over to my Blog to see.
I happen to like button bores! We spent three lovely days in Bath and might even have stood on that exact spot under the pump room sign.
I am sooooo impressed with what you have done with the tweed! I am guessing you bought it from me last Weekend? I am sorry I didn't "recognise" you, but it really was Billy Bonkers in there wasn't it?
I still have about 10 crates of tweed oddments, they are stacked behind my kitchen door at the moment! Lizzie x
Oh! What a wonderful day out! Thanks so much for sharing the fun. I love the sketches you made and the things you bought.
oow, i love this purse!
That coin purse is to die for. All of you purses are absolutely lovely.
Hugs, Gerry,N.C.USA
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