Holly did the honours and picked the winner for my first anniversary of blogging 'giveaway'.......
My Mom gave me a beautiful half finished, embroidered, vintage, linen tablecloth yesterday that was duly chopped into and 'repurposed' into a coin purse (oh no, not the coin purses again, I hear you cry. Oh yes, indeedy).
The top of the purse on this side, is the cuff of a beautifully embroidered lace sleeve. Edwardian? So delicate. It just fitted in nicely at the top of the purse and on the other side....
I have also made this Collage. Lovely old Statement of Account with a gummed receipt stuck to it and a bright stamp marked 1954. I have applied an original photo of a lady in a long skirt, standing in her doorway. With no details of age or where the photo was taken, it's all left to the imagination.
I printed one of my photos of Daisies onto a piece of ledger paper for the lower half and worked some embroidery over the piece with buttons to finish.
Close up of upper half of Collage.
Then onto this little number. I have made this mixed media piece to enter into our local Shirehall 'Open'. Judging next weekend, so I am hopeful it will be accepted.

It was a real buggar to sew, as I have worked it on a large square of very, very stiff khadi handmade paper, which I will in turn apply to a square boxed canvas. My fingers are skinned and so sore, trying to get a needle through what felt like shoe leather! I tried to use a thimble but it just got in the way.
It was a real buggar to sew, as I have worked it on a large square of very, very stiff khadi handmade paper, which I will in turn apply to a square boxed canvas. My fingers are skinned and so sore, trying to get a needle through what felt like shoe leather! I tried to use a thimble but it just got in the way.
It's called 'The passage of time'. My sister had given me a collection of old photos, she had come across on her travels, all from the same source and I think the two photos are the same couple. I hope they had a happy life together.

oh dear..... we are very fortunate and this is a rarety in our area. Insurance job, joy riders? Who knows?
I thought it would make a really interesting subject matter if you were doing say......City and Guilds Embroidery. So much pattern and texture.
Our daughter Holly is learning to drive. She is having lessons, but I am going out with her regularly to obviously allow her to get lots of practice. My initial 'TERROR' has given over to a more relaxed state, as she has now become more confident and able. We have a evening routine of driving around our local country lanes, where she can stop and practice reversing and so on.
This is the kind of scenery we drive past......

Turn and look the other way and.....
Turn and look the other way and.....
oh dear..... we are very fortunate and this is a rarety in our area. Insurance job, joy riders? Who knows?
On closer inspection, the patterns the fire has left are incredible
Inside the car, front seats.
So glad to hear you're feeling better, Viv! Love the new coin purse!
Only a blogger would photograph the beauties of a burnt out car! I am so glad I'm not the only one with strange ways around here!
I love the car photos..I'm always being accused of taking strange photos....but there are so many interesting patterns/textures in unlikely places. Love your latest creations, really beautiful.
Love the work you've done, so beautiful. The purse is great, I don't think any of your blog readers get bored of seeing them! Good luck in the competition (and with the driving lessons!)
Mel xxx
absolutely NOT tired of the coin purses~!!~ they are always lovely and each has it's own special "personality"~!!~
i think the photos that you took of the car might have some lovely application possiblilites for printed fabric . . . so many wonderful textures, colors and shapes~!~
hello viv,
i love the collages... and always love to see one of your beautiful purses :)
i'm always trying to hide what i'm doing when i take random photos as i get embarassed when people stare at me - really got to get over that! your pics are great :)
You're braver than I am. I wouldn't let my sone drive me. Mind you, we couldn't afford the insurance! Lovely purse/
Hi,Glad you are feeling better.
Interesting old photo's,love that you can use them in your art work.
You can find inspiration in the most unusual places.x
Have you ever tried one of those little leather quilter's thimbles? They are wonderful. Also, SO GLAD YOU'RE FEELING BETTER! YAY!
Glad you are feeling better. The new coin purse is beautiful - I ilke the lace from the sleeve and the half finished embroidery on the back.
Delightful blog as ever. I so wanted to see your article in Cloth Paper & Scissors I asked my daughter to bring me one back from America last week. What she brought back was the latest edition showing your follow up letter so no pictures! So disppointing!
loved the collage with the daisies - are you still on the lookout for something 1948 for me, and my later father? im still very keen ...
Spooky cos that car looks like mine and is probably how it is going to end up verrryyy soon if it doesn't start showing a bit of co-operbleedinration!!
Look forward to the work that it inspires...mmm swirly!
Speaking of which glad youre feeling better old fruit!
Wow, those photos of the car are amazing! I love how you found beauty and inspiration in the least likely of places! A true artist indeed! Lovely new creations and so happy that you are feeling better! Congrats to the lucky winner!
Hi Viv, thanks so much for the offer, I am collecting the posies so if you wouldn't mind keeping an eye out for them that would be great please! Of course I would pay you back for them and the postage :)
Thanks, Mel xxx
Well done Viv, show shire hall how it's done!
Hope you get the prize.
Great texture shots too, takes me back to art school exploration, lol.
Trace x
I am so glad you are feeling better sweetie...only you could make a burnt out car look beatiful...love and hugs H
PS can I commision another purse I loved using mine in venice so much.
Glad to hear you are on the mend and hope the sore fingers heal soon also. Beautiful work as always. Love the burnt out car patterns, I was admiring these on flickr too, yes so much texture and beautiful patterns and colours, wow!
Have a good week, Carolyn
I LOVE your collages; they are so unique and inspiring. Hope your fingers have recovered (the things we do for art!)
Linda :-)
Found your wonderful blog through a google search. Noticed a snippet about peg dolls - I wondered if you had come across my humble attempts on Etsy;
Would love to know what you think.
Have bookmarked this wildly eclectic blog for future perusal.
Oh my GOSH! I won something! I have taken a blogging break and haven't read your post for almost a week! That will teach me. Thank you so much. Many people jumped over to my blog on the subject of copying or inspiration. Very good to see what everyone had to say. It is so nice to have an online support system. I will email you my address. Thanks again!
I love your collages and feel so fortunate to own a couple of them. I would love to add a coin purse to the collection. Your work is wonderful!
Hi Viv, I've tagged you for a meme if you fancy it, come and see X
Well, I've come to your blog via a recommendation and I can see why. Your art work is wonderful. Wow, I will definitely have to bookmark you now. Lovely work.
I'm with lyn on this one! isn't amazing what you can find when you stop and really look at things! love your collage and no way have we had enough of coin purses, such a special shape you use and each one is so individual, totally inspiring. Mx
love the purse! love the collage! love the car shots too...ah, what a does of good stuff this afternoon!
sorry to hear you've bee poorly..
glad to hear your improving loving your work and soo cross l missed your give away!your work just gets better and better! x
Uh oh. You have just inspired some vintage choppering up. Should possibly ask my own Mum first!
Hi, just wanted to let you know that I have nominated you for an award - it´s on my blog, can´t find out how to send a proper link, have to get my boyfriend to link you properly later!
Hope you´re better - it´s an awful virus to catch and it can take quite a while to recover.
Haven't seen you for awhile, Viv, hope all is well with you! You haven't relapsed, have you?
Hi Viv
Thanks for your lovely comment. The feeling's mutual, I assure you!
Darn, I'm too late to join in! Just seen this but wanted to comment on your beautiful work. You are an inspiration and your work is so original and pretty. I love it.
Best wishes
Lovely collage and purses as always! Glad you feel better now! Great pictures on the car !
Beautiful pieces!! Just stopping by, because one of MY readers shared your blog with me on my three year blogiversary... happy one year to you!!
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