Lucy, our eldest came home from London for a few days, to go to the 'V' music festival. We live just a couple of miles from weston park which is one of two venues that simutaneously holds this gargantuan festival. This is my girl at 'V' enjoying the music and sunshine....
Mark and I enjoyed Liam and the gang too, along with Snow Patrol, singing to us in our back garden, whilst we sipped red wine and watched flickering candles. Every now and again the collective roar of thousands lifted and carried to us on the breeze. Makes me goose pimply thinking of it. I really enjoy the festival being held in our location. You can catch the happy buzz of thousands of young (and older), carefree people for a weekend..

Lucy has a dear friend in London (not Liam!) who cares for this darling creature. 'Tickets' was bought home for us to take care of, for the weekend and what a pleasure it was......
Oh, how I love her, especially when she had a mad mo and ran round the room like a thing possessed, oh the darling creature. I whispered to Lucy, to say to her owner in London, that if ever she needed rehoming.......................

Our dogs, Rosie and Daisy weren't too fussed though!
Leaving Holly in charge of the 'baby' I dashed to the Festival of Quilts on Saturday. Inspiration and shopping heaven!
Our dogs, Rosie and Daisy weren't too fussed though!
Loved this piece, mixed media made by Maria Manuel, right up my street!

Ladies, concentrating hard.

I had a great time and met up with an American bloggy friend Tracie Lyn Huskamp of The Red Door Blog who was teaching a workshop. She has a new book coming out called 'Nature Inspired' which I was lucky enough to buy from her. Brilliant to meet you Tracie.
Ladies, concentrating hard.
I had a great time and met up with an American bloggy friend Tracie Lyn Huskamp of The Red Door Blog who was teaching a workshop. She has a new book coming out called 'Nature Inspired' which I was lucky enough to buy from her. Brilliant to meet you Tracie.
Whilst waiting for my ride home, I played Andy Goldsworthy with the nature at my feet.....amazing what you can find at a busy roadside in Birmingham!

It's also amazing what you can find in a car park in Kilburn High Street, London! Yesterday we took Lucy back to London, parked up and dumped up the corner was a rather soggy and dejected ensemble. Dread to think! (Why only one shoe? Answers on a postcard please.)
Said 'goodbye' to Lucy and shot off to see the John William Waterhouse Exhibition at the Royal Academy.

What can I say, to see these iconic paintings that are so familiar to us, in the flesh, was an honour. The Lady of Shallot bought tears to my eyes and Hylas and the Nymphs, well.......

Next door to Burlington Arcade.

and to Laduree, oh my heart's desire.....

Mark spoilt me with a box of the delicate beauties. The box and bag alone are gloriously beautiful and the macaroons! I hooked the bag onto my little finger and ponsed upto Piccadilly Circus, pretending that I was awfully rich and shopped at Burlington Arcade frequently darrrrling!
Oh my. oh my. Oh my.
What can I say, to see these iconic paintings that are so familiar to us, in the flesh, was an honour. The Lady of Shallot bought tears to my eyes and Hylas and the Nymphs, well.......
Next door to Burlington Arcade.
and to Laduree, oh my heart's desire.....
Hi Viv
Nice dream?
Fab fab fab post, enjoyed it all. Going to read it all again!
Will email you tomorrow, promise. Thanks for yours!
Sending a big hug x
Gold star to Love Stitching Red!
what a wonderful week... i was at the festival of quilts on sat too and met up with a blog friend... my favourite exhibit was 'labels' same as you... at first we did not notice the handles and the fact that the base was cleverly made from paper bags... inspiring.. i also liked the mawkins coat (denim patched coat) but then i love recycling..
lovely blog x
I'm an new follower across the pond in Portland, Oregon, USA, but my heart is in England :~) It's been 22 years since I was there, so I'm following a few British blogs to keep me in touch with my roots~~I'm mostly English, after all!
I would so love to see the Waterhouse exhibit~~I would shed tears also if I saw the Lady of Shallot in person! I'm trying to memorize the poem, but it's pretty long and my memory isn't what it used to be:~)
Anyway, I love your blog and I love your work~~I hearted you on Etsy when I found you last year :~)
Hope this isn't too long!
Where do I begin, first very jealous would love to see the exhibition and secondly...only you could find and make the pavement look artistic....
Lovely inspirational post - aren't you on sensory overload? Hope i can get to the Waterhouse before it closes...
Is it something by Cockney Rebel?
Delightful post... I can feel your joy in each and every sentence, and it made me happy reading it!
great post (as always).. how civilised to be able to listen to a festival in your back garden, I am jealous! Like the idea of the song -lines as a blog post, I have done it once or twice..... Lizzie x PS Judy Teen????
Great read and lovely photos!
vivster you make me chuckle.
La Duree macaroons! You lucky person! They're fab, sweetie! And that baby dog - Oh Viv, how can you let her go home? She's absolutely gorgeous. Like the pavement art, too. You're a star!
I loved your post, and your blog is fab, in fact I have mentioned you on my latest post at
Thanks to you I have discovered a fantastic artist (J W Waterhouse). I love his work.
Steph x
nice dreams, radiohead - YES!
and as for the rest of your post:
Go on get a 'Mr Tickets...' I dare you...!!!
Marion ;0*
What a heart stopping post, Nice dreams, oh yes very nice indeed!
What about those Waterhouse paintings just soooooooooooooo divine, romantic down to his bones!
So much sensory overload you must be all fluttery! I am just reading about it all ;D
Have a lovely lovely week, Sarah x
Oh I am too late! Nice dreams, Radiohead, love it!
I watched a lot of the V festival on TV, Elbow (of course) were my favourites. How lovely that you can experience by living nearby. My daughter is just off to Reading, lucky girl.
Loved the whole post but especially the pics of the cute little dog you got to babysit for.
lovely post Viv! Snow Patrol in your garden, you lucky thing!! love your nature trail down the high street, fab finds!
Well yeah you've gotcha Waterhouse but you can't whack a macaroon!
Is it "Oh Mandy" by Baz Manilow, cos I know he's your favourite n everything?
Lovely to catch up with all your news Viv and photos. Oh, those fantabulous French cakes, they're such works of art - almost, but not quite, thank heavens, too good to eat. Best wishes. Lesley
The 'v' music fest rocked.
Beautiful post.
Oh dear Viv.. I was on the wrong track altogether.. which isn't unusual. I thought your blog title was from the signature tune from Morecambe & Wise.. Bring me Sunshine..
Do I get the booby prize?
One day I will sink my teeth in to one of those rainbow delicacies..Almost too pretty to eat.
Love your little four legged friend.. thought he was one of my vintage pooches for a second.
Love to you.
Michele xxx
lovely blog; beautiful photos; inspirational work. great and thanks.
Lovely post. Cute cute little doggie.
How lucky you are to be able to hear V. I watch on TV and I alway wonder what those bands must feel like when the massive crowd joins in. I saw 'not Liam Gallagher' singing Wonderwall last week and it was wonderful.
Now where on earth can I get some of those macaroons?
And just how do you know about all these places?
love your blog and all the postings ;0) a real joy!
love the street arty! how fun!
looked like a fab-u-tastical exhibition! such beauty! ;0)x
How great to live so close and get the music for free! The exhibition sounds fab...we have some great Pre-raph stuff in Liverpool which I mamnage to see when I'm up visiting my mum.Hvae a great week.
it all looks and sounds such fun! fliss xx
I love to single shoe dump ! So funny and yet creepy in away. The macaroons look un believable and gave my face a good smiling.
aka"LiBBy BuTTons"
What a cute little visitor! And what fun to be so close to the festival!! I would have loved that, but I actually loved the pictures of your macaroons more! How absolutely extravagantly divine!
Julia xxx
D'you know I was wondering about these macaroons just the other day - having seen them in Harrods, and today I have come accross your blog and here they are... my question ... What do they taste like??? Are they as good as the price tag suggests they might be?? I'm really very intregued! xx
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