Having been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia since last August...each day is a struggle, as I have chronic fatigue and every little scrap of me hurts, which intensifies with physical activity. It would be very easy to spend each day prostrate on the settee or bed, but I'm not doing any of that. Keeping positive and a strong mental well being is most important and I can understand very much how depression can be a major factor of this strange illness.
I wanted to tell you how hugely important my sewing is to me. Collecting, selling, buying, all things vintage and beautiful, making... all of these components knit and weave together into my creativity and keep me sane.
I am most fortunate in being able to spend a few hours each day making, putting together thoughts and ideas, trying to think out the box a little, successfully or not. Many days I have to physically work through the pain and tiredness, and I can come through it and feel a sense of achievement.
Ultimately, the positive energy too that comes from the fantastic support I receive from my hen's teeth friends here on my blog, raises my spirits and makes me happy.
I do apologise for this self indulgence, especially when there is so much pain and suffering out there, all around the world, but I just wanted to put you in the picture...
and here goes with this week's makes...
I think this is a little vtg playing card box, it's made of cardboard and covered in paper, with a lovely tassle,

these are great!
YOu certainly are keeping positive - sorry you are suffering so. Love the little trio of donkeys and monkey and indeed your handiwork.
I don't think your being self indulgent, you are allowing others to see how people can cope - hard though it may be. I am really impressed with you and your positive attitude, I have been very stressed this last few weeks culminating in a rash and putting on the half I stone I took off in january! holidays are here and the rash is gone, so it was defs stress ! The work is just stunning, keep it up hun
Your work is so amazing, I love the box and the brooches. It must take ages making these :)
Bee happy x
oh you silly sauasage, be as self indulgent as you need if it keeps producing such great work. I think that sometimes, by being confind to within the home forces a real focus to the work.
I adore the prim brooches and where do you find those gorgeous mechanical toys? I'm glad you're managing to make these lovely things despite your health problems, your posts are always so inspiring.
Your work is always fabulous - really quirky and imaginative. I used to do a lot of sewing, but now I get arthritis in my wrist if I do a lot, so that's put rather a stop to too much. Hope you'll feel better soon x
Thanks for sharing your problems - we are always willing to listen so don't feel self indulgent - its good to share. Yes the Prims made me smile too -lots of posibilities in those funny little faces.
Beautiful photos Viv, thank you. Love your makes and also those gorgeous embroidered hankies. Sorry to hear that you are suffering; having arthritis I know how wearying and frustrating pain can be but I also know what comfort you find in your making when you're able. Once I got used to what I was capable of and not to expect too much from myself, things got better (lots of -legal- drugs too!)
Hen x
P.S. Love Mike!
I am so sorry that you have been suffering. I am happy for you that you are able to keep a positive attitude. You do beautiful work and you are so creative. All that you put into your work makes it all that more special. I also don't think that you are self indulgent. Sometimes it just makes a person fell better to get things out in the air. I feel it's good for the soul!
I am sorry you are suffering with this terrible illness.
You are always inspiring, and I admire your work very much! Keep creating, it will lift you up!
I adore everything you make, woman!
All delightful, Viv
The picture too, of the four portraits with the fir trees is very charming indeed!
Mr. Mike has the sweetest face, I think he and donkey make a grand pair.
Sending warm wishes
My vicar said once in one of his sermons " our lives are like waves, they are up one moment, then down the next" May soon you will be riding that wave again" Take care i just love looking at your creative work it is so inspiring. xx
Keep positive, I know it must be hard. I love seeing your new work, it's always so inspiring x
I love the old hankies. Do you sell them or make them into something else? Lately I have been displaying some valentine's hankies in an old teaspoon collection rack. The rack was painted white and 'shabby-chic-ed' a bit, and it's a fun way to display my hanky collection...
Viv,honey.You are allowed to be self indulgent,angry,fed up or whatever you want.You have every right to feel this way, and yes there are always people suffering more or less but its all relative..I think it's brilliant that you can push through it all and that your creativity sustains you.You are enormously talented and your blog and all your beautiful work gives pleasure to all your friends in blogland.
Blogland is not wonderland and although we do try to keep posts fairly positive and upbeat, we do need to keep it real sometimes.Sending you a hug from Yorkshire. Anne x
Love the flowery brooches Viv.
I think you are amazing how you carry on with your creativity even though you ache.
Mike will have to make sure he stays well away from dogs!!
Sometimes creativity can be good medicine no matter what ails you.Your little cuties bring a smile to the face and a giggle to the heart...
Susan x
I haven't forgotten you,I'm still digging through piles.
Viv, I knew that you suffered but not to that extent, and under no circumstances are you self-indulgent, what you must suffer it is amazing that you do the beautiful work that you do.
Keep smiling and when we meet next lets have tea and cake and a good old chat.
T x
I am in a very similar boat myself - its nice to hear that you're so positive, sometimes it is so hard to battle on through feeling grotty. I send lots of love your way, and hope that your crafting will forever remain your little ray of sunshine! Take care x x x
This looks very good, thanks fot sharing.
grt, Helmi
I love coming here to visit and I'm sorry you're not feeling well! I too have fibromyalgia and struggle..but we keep on keeping on don't we? !
Thank you for sharing your talent and ideas with us..your work (and your darling collections) are wonderful!
Hey Viv, sorry to hear of your health issues, but glad to read of your positive attitude and how you are managing to get through the days creating and achieving.
A positive attitude always helps the situation no matter what the problem is.
Love your latest makes, it's so good to have something in your life that you can throw yourself into and forget your troubles for a while.
Sending sunshine and blue sky wishes for better days ahead.
Claire :}
Beautiful work! all of it and well done in pushing on, not self indulgent at all, just telling it how it is and it can be easy for you x
Lord love a duck!! The box and broaches are amazing! How fun!!
Now, little lady, listen: you are not being self indulgent. Talented people like you can speak what's on their minds to me any time. Your attitude is contagious.
Keep on keeping on!
Indulge all you want Honey, we all need it sometimes. Besides I would call it sharing rather than self indulging. Can I just ask, I don't know if you're in to holistic medicine, but have you considered Reiki as a complimentary medicine for your Fibromyalgia? I had a friend with ME and she found Reiki really helped with her energy levels. Just a thought, apologies if I crossed a line there. Well, take care of yourself and thank you for letting us look at some more of your lovely work! X
You (and everyone who is a) hurting or b) SO CREATIVE) deserve lots of support. Consider this a TON of support.
Love Wonky Donkey!!
keep up the good works it looks great
I know how you feel
have the same pain
love Emmy
Honey, somehow you keep creating such whimsical beauty and joy DESPITE this quiet and debilitating battle you're waging. I am proud of you for losing yourself in your creative works. You help all of us enjoy life more fully.
I just finished reading a story called, "The Sound of a Wild Snail Eating." She (Elizabeth) also had CFS and fibromyalgia and she shows what a quiet battle it is.
I am thinking of you and thanking you for being courageous enough to share this with us and help all of us.
Sharon Lovejoy Writes from Sunflower House and a Little Green Island
Great post, not self indulgent at all, sometimes its good to have a moan to other people, better than keeping it all in I say. Love the new work and all those fab hankies.
Oh, Viv. You darling. I so admire how you manage to work through your pain. I am relieved it brings you so much pleasure but still troubled that you can't create unhindered. Every time I spy my gorgeous bag, I smile. You bring happiness to so many through your craft - thank you. J x
I have same diagnosis and it can have some very negative mental effects. Try and do something for YOU every day; make the most of the good times and relate back to them. You learn to cope but it's hard.
You keep crafting to get through these tough times, just look at the amazing things you create, no wonder you feel warm hearted and a sense of achievement afterwards! ooh that Monkey is just so lovely, I remember my grandparents having a monkey that smashed symbols together when you wound him up, oh how I loved him.
How inspiring you are. What a wonderful post. Keep it up. x
Hello, I just stumbled upon your pretty blog! Lovely, lovely!
Really feel for you....I have fibromyalgia too.
Hugs, Tina xx
Sorry to hear you have CFS and Fibro - I do too, so I know what's its really like to deal with. Do you take medication? I take Gabapentin which controls the pain.
Sometimes I think the busiest people are those with CFS - we fight it and refuse to give in. My son was 4yrs old when it started and my DH worked away so I HAD to cope. No option to give in to it all - though some days I truly felt like it.
Best wishes for the future and keep stitching away!
How amazing that you can produce such beautiful things when you feel so rotten. Poor you. Love those prim brooches - they are such fun!
The growing collection of toys is so sweet.
Oh Viv it makes me so sad to hear about the pain and discomfort you are in, I wish I could do something to help...your makes are as always beautiful...everything you make is delightful and I want want want them...see what a greedy girl I am..sending love hugs and prayers...Helen
It's a blessing that you have found something to keep your spirits up and your energy focused! Your work brings us joy and I hope that we, your readers, can do the same.
Sending love x
beautiful post as always with your sweet creations and vintage goodies ;0)x
Everything looks lovely! I have arthritis, so I completely relate to the struggle to stay positive and keep creating. Have hope and keep up the beautiful work!
Viv, you are a real inspiration. Your work is fabulous, but not as fabulous as your warm personality and huge heart. Be as self-indulgent as you like, we in blogland will always think you're wonderful! Katie x
I love these new characters viv so funny! Keep sewing,keep sane! Xx
There is mechanical monkey's brother featured on another blog..."vintage fairy tales" You must know her already!
My little prize arrived last week and I was so chuffed with it, it will feature on a bloggy post.
So jappy to have won something, let alone something as beautiful as a souveinr from the foundling museum.
love love love to you, wonky donekey and your friends
Hi Viv, just thought I'd pop by and see how things are with you, so sorry to
hear how much you are suffering at the moment. Do you feel like some long overdue company?
Angela xxx
been whinging all day (about next to nothing!)
you've shut me up
Fee x
(had a leisurely read through your blog - very lovely, thanks for sharing)
Lovely work Viv - and you give so much too, despite struggling with such a debilitating condition. Hope that the worst of the symptoms abate soon. x
I love "Peter" and all the rest! Thinking of you. Feel better today.
A delightful post, I love 'Peter has wings' he's perfect.
I'd just like to say thank you for your post on the Foundling Museum, I was so inspired to go after reading your post, it gave me the kick up the bottom I needed to make the effort to visit. It was wonderful. Many thanks.
I hope that your pain has eased this week ~ Julie
If you can't be self indulgent on your blog then where can you? Besides I think you deserve a moan. But you also deserve praise for your originality.
Its so uplifting to see you coming up with fantastic new stuff all the time.
Nice creations. I like the little frames on the 'wall.' As for the self-indulgent part, this is your blog after all, so you're very much allowed to say what you wish to say.
Hello Viv.. I have just been reading about your visit to the Foundling Exhibition...I did not even know it was on and i can't get to London before it finishes...so thank you sooooo much for your post, it gave me lots of pleasure to read that.
I'm so sorry that you are poorly, how awful for you, I bet some days are a terrible strain. Thank goodness for your amazing and creative talent,hopefully this will take you away from the pain now and again.
I have long followed you on Flicker and totally admire and love your beautiful and inspiring work, now I am so pleased to have seen your amazing and lovely blog.
Lynn. xxxx
Your artwork is so wonderful! I was very selective about which blogs I chose to follow during OWOH and I am so happy that you popped up in my reading list :) I'm sorry to hear about your struggles, it's great you're still creating!
Hi hun
Lovely makes!
I'm like you....Fibromyalgia controls my days but like you too I love to sew...it takes my mind off things.
I try to be so positive and manage to most of the time just every now and then it gets to me so I know how you feel hun x
Gentle hugs hunny
Karen x x x
We all feel a bit like that sometimes but talking about it is better than holding it in and you produce some amazing work because you can.
LOVE your portrait brooches! I have just visited your blog for the first time, but plan to return often.
All my best-
Looking at your gorgeous work always makes me smile :) I too have FM (and CFS) and I, quite literally, feel your pain. I;ve had it for some years now and it comes and goes. Having just returned to full-time work I am in the throes of a relapse. It takes courage and optimism and giving yourself the permission to have days where you just feel plain sorry for yourself! And painkillers. Good luck, hang in there, life with FM can still be a good, happy, productive one in the long run.
Viv - you are an inspiration. I can't believe how much stuff you do and with ill health as well. Keep it up xx
Oh my lovely Viv, I had no idea things were still so bad for you. I am full of admiration for what you get done and how positive you are staying. I hope you feel better soon xxx
p.s Elbow's new one is FAB, buy it, it's wonderful ;-)
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