Monday, 5 May 2008


Mistletoe in one of the many
trees in

Must tell you about the most glorious day out, my husband and I had last Saturday. The sun actually shone for a starter! We then drove to Hay-on-Wye reknown for it's book shops. Well I thought I had died and gone to heaven! What a gem of a place, on the border of Hereford/Powys. Every other shop was a book shop with a few gorgeous galleries and boutiques thrown in! What a treat to visit a thriving town that is'nt full of opticians and building societies.

The top photo was taken from the castle looking down onto the open air book sales and High Street.


  1. Oooooh - I'm trying to persuade hubby that I need to visit Hay-on-Wye even though we have about 2,000 books already! Did you get any good books?

  2. swirlyarts ~ thank you ~ no I did'nt get any books. It was all a bit too much in one short afternoon ~ you need a good couple of days browsing, as there are so many lovely little book shops. A very pretty town too. You can never have too many books ~ I say!


Thank you for taking the time to visit.

I am very sorry if I do not reply with a thank you, but sometimes there are not enough hours in the day, but please be assured that I really enjoy receiving every single word.
Please pop by again soon,
viv x