Monday, 28 January 2013

Oh Yeah! It was like lightning, everybody was frightening and the music was soothing and they all started grooving...


 Wonkey Donkey and One eyed wonkey chatting to Dennis the Donkey in his little altered tin.
They had a really good natter.

Lavinia was very proud of her wings, made from fingers from a leather glove.

 She was very happy, it showed in her smile.
 His legs just got longer and longer.

Thanks for stopping by. x
Ballroom Blitz :: The Sweet


  1. Love your work it is so quirky and fun. Would also like to be a fly on the wall, or is that tin at this donkey derby. Bet there were some tails (sorry) told there!

  2. Gorgeous as always!

    Bee happy x

  3. Now do not try to syt Wonky Donkey and One Eyed Wonky Donkey after a large sloe gin!!! So ;ove the donkey x Joan

  4. See what I mean I can't even type!!!

  5. LOVE your work, thanks for making me smile :-)

  6. How fun that was .I enjoyed My visit.I love the last one,is it a cloth tag?I'm going to TRY to alter My altoid tin win it's empty.Denise from Coffeeberry Cottage

  7. I love you crafty creations! Your post made me chuckle too!

  8. Oooh I do love Lavinia's new wings, I do love those old gloves, they are such soft worn leather. No wonder she has such a smile on her face. I do love your names, wonky donkey! made me smile. Wish I had extra long legs! jayne x

  9. No matter how cold the weather outside your little works of art always warm my heart...
    Thanks for sharing your quirky creativity!
    Susan x

  10. Thank you for the smile you put on my face with your work, trying to think of a subtle way of pointing my girls to your shop for a birthday present for mum in May :-)

  11. I just found your blog and absolutely adorable your whimsical style. Fabulous work, I know my daughter would love your bunnies. Jay @ BeachPurl

  12. Hi Viv, still looking in, still loving your work! x

  13. Viv how I love your donkey things!
    and your ladies and birds.......


Thank you for taking the time to visit.

I am very sorry if I do not reply with a thank you, but sometimes there are not enough hours in the day, but please be assured that I really enjoy receiving every single word.
Please pop by again soon,
viv x