Thursday, 24 April 2008


Firstly ~ thank you all for your suggestions with framing the Huglies. I think I'm going to give up on the idea, as I have really left it too late to do a proper job! I really must get my act together, I always leave things to the last mo.
So changing the subject, I have posted some pics of a few handmade cards, which I am putting together for the aforementioned Stafford Shirehall Gallery. I think the man in his fairisle tank top is a scream! Can't say I enjoy making them though. V boring!
We had quite a to do at College today, a fire gutted part of the College in the night. Thankfully no one was hurt, but I had to turn all of the students away ~ some were thrilled, as you would expect and other gutted, as they had travelled to get into College. Unfortunately it seems that there has been water damage to the library and all the books may be lost (some extremely old).
Well I had better get on with some work, thanks for visiting. x


  1. My favourite has to be the little girl - so cute.
    What a shame about the fire and books being damaged.

  2. The girl really is a sweetie ~ I agree.
    And the books at College, well we are all hoping that most have been saved.


Thank you for taking the time to visit.

I am very sorry if I do not reply with a thank you, but sometimes there are not enough hours in the day, but please be assured that I really enjoy receiving every single word.
Please pop by again soon,
viv x