Sunday, 27 April 2008

Moo love

I am so pleased with my mini calling cards from Moo......

they are so small and cute but have enough info. on the back to make them very personal. It's great that I can give a card with a photo of a Hugly to someone who has maybe purchased a Hugly. Appropriate information! I've ordered stickers too, so I'm looking forward to receiving those. Just brilliant.


  1. I'm so pleased you love your Moo cards. I love mine too. I have to say I had a few duff ones but mostly I was delighted with how the images transfered to the little cards.

  2. We shall have to do swapsies!

  3. They look WONDERFUL! I think I'll get some moo cards one day.
    Oh and I love your huglys :o)


Thank you for taking the time to visit.

I am very sorry if I do not reply with a thank you, but sometimes there are not enough hours in the day, but please be assured that I really enjoy receiving every single word.
Please pop by again soon,
viv x