A perfect May evening here, golden fading sunshine, warm and 'that Spring, nearly Summer smell' in the air....I took this picture a few minutes ago, of the Clematis Montana growing in the Contorted Willow Tree in our garden... all a glow. Anyroadup...I have been lucky enough to buy a few French textiles in France over the last few months. Here is one of the lovely night dresses I bought....
I thought I would embellish this nightdress with a hand painted sprig or two. Faffed and fiddled with the painting and of course...ruined, I think, by the addition of a very aggressive looking wasp...ah well!
Thank you all so very much for the kindest comments left on my last post....I have had the kindest and sweetest comments and I feel so awful that I have not thanked you lovely ladies individually, but please know that I have loved receiving each and everyone. Great to have new Followers too....xxxx Have a great weekend. xxxx
I love what you have done to the nightdress..very pretty and delicate.I really like the wasp too..great addition.
Hi Viv! Your clematis are beautiful! I also think you did a beautiful job painting your lovely French nightgown! The wasp does not look mean at all! You paint beautifully!
Enjoy your weekend! Love, Paula
not aggressive wasp - interesting looking wasp!
Hi Viv..The nightie looks beautiful, I hope if I had a go at painting fabric i could do as well.the wasp acually looks painted too ..a great job just lovely..Carole
Hi Viv, I've so enjoyed catching up on your previous posts, really rather relaxing! Of course I can't highlight my fav as I just love it all, so delicate, so pretty, so you. Mx
I am so envious of your clematis montana, I have tried three times to grow it here and failed each time, I didn't think it was possible to fail with montana's.
beautiful work on the nightdress too!
It should have been the good old friendly bee, not the devil's wasp! (don't mind me, I have a wasp phobia).
Hello my love, I love french nighties, I have only ever managed to find one that fits and I wear it cut to thigh length over jeans..if you ever have any mega massive ones please give me first refusal to buy them from you...I am just ironing mine...got a crabbies ginger beer cooling and my knitting waiting...hope you are well...the sun seems to be starting to shine on my little family again...pete has an interview on tuesday...
These days have been sublime haven't they.. and our gardens bring so many rewards..
Do you have a size 14 M'dam? Think your latest inspiriation is ..well.. inspired. Beautiful work V.
What a perfect way to embellish this nightgown Viv. It's beautiful work
Just catching up and saved you and a few other faves till last.I chose to comment here because we have the smae over vigorous Clem in th esilver birch tree in teh garden and I have for the first time realised it has the most beautiful scent.
The night dress is gorgeous. You are so clever.
i like the wasp
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