(illustration by Flora White).
Onto another 'make'. These purses have had such a good response, thank you all so much.
A little bird illustration added to this particular purse.
I adore this fabric.
Just in time for Valentine's day, two romantic papier mache brooches.
Experimenting with designs for greetings cards, quite pleased with this one...it's simple and pretty.
It was suggested to me today, that these journals would make good wedding keepsake books and new born baby keepsake books. I wondered if you had any suggestions for this? I don't know whether a book such as this, which has blank pages, but a decorated front cover would be appropriate. Maybe for a wedding, but saying that, I think folks like to fill in printed pages for keepsake books? Mmmmm, I don't know, what do you think? I thinking out loud here guys, can you tell?
I am going to start a little weekly slot on my blog, grandly named 'Find of the Week'. At some point during most weeks I manage to pick up a bit more 'tat', as my lovely daughters refer to 'my collections'. Maybe some weeks it might not be 'tat' but just something beautiful found on a country walk or along the seaside.
Anyway, I wanted to share this wonderful find with you. I honestly could not believe my luck when I pounced on this little gem. It is a little lined notebook crammed with a collection of cut out matchbox covers dating from the 1940's. The graphics are so beautiful with bright and vibrant colours from all over the world, some of which I will be using (probably copies) in my collage.

It's extraordinary to think that some person in the 1940's collected all of these various matchboxes, with a connection with someone who travelled, put together this little book for me to find and thoroughly treasure all these years later. This kind of talk seems to be a theme of mine, forgive me!
Well I've launched from one thing to another for long enough here, thank you very much for all your ongoing kindness and support and thanks for stopping by.x
Another lovely purse. I like the card very much and I personally would rather have a plain book than one to fill in.
I think blank books with your gorgeous covers would be perfect for weddings and babies.
The matchbox covers in the book was a fabulous "find" - lucky you!
Such beautiful items.x
I always think will the items we make now be treasured in the future or be used by another artist.
Oh my! I swooned when I saw those matchbox covers!
Oh so very very beautiful! The journal is so amazing, another lovely purse and that collection of matchbook covers, is absolutely incredible. It seems I share your love for little collections.
Sophie x
I forgot to say, as well as loving the purses, how much I love your new blog template. The blue flowers are just lovely.
LOVE LOVE LOVE your new stuff, especially the hearts!! I will write more tomorrow morning. Oh, had eight inches of snow and heat went out! What a day. Not feeling well all day but anxious to write more. Lotsa hugs, Amy
I think the books are a lovely idea for weddings and babies. How sweet and gorgeous to give and receive such items.
What an absolute treasure of a find the matchbox book is! plenty of ideas for inspiration no doubt, wonderful ;0
Yet another fabulous find Viv! those matchbox graphics are just beautiful - can't wait to see how you use them... someone could use one of your collaged notebooks to collect their own matchboxes!!!
Simply gorgeous all of it including your find of the week and yes I remember Clarence, loved that program.
Oh, how I love your little purses! Just the cutest! And the matchbook book...oh, my!! What a find! I hope you have a most wonderful weekend!
That is NOT TAT it's treasure of the highest quality...how wonderful..I love the purse...yes I do remember Daktari and clarence..I spend my days mentioning things to the demon babies and they have no idea what I am talking about...remember when I mentioned Black Adder!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was totally inspired by your journal...I went on the website but couldnt find anything as nice as yours so I am thinking of doing a swap with polly for the book we bought her from you...by the way keepsake books are a wonderful idea...I had a lovely note book at my 40th and everyone left a message...I also get my students to sign a book when they leave...dont know how you will market these ideas...but then I am a notbook addict...gosh I am rambling too much expresso....
I thought of you and your 'Freda and Doug' post today Viv as my mother finally recieved an airmail parcel I sent to her in NZ 4 months ago!! I've no idea where it's been but it got there in the end! Love the purses but the Keepsake books are my fav, your combination of colours and textures are awe inspiring.
Viv- First. I am so thankful that you have my blog listing on your blog. Thank you. I have people coming to it and it generating some activity. Second. Your journals would be great as covers for blank books. Could even be photographed, printed and laminated for a very strong cover that would last. You could add a couple buttons etc. Just a thought. One of a kinds are good too! They are lovely.
Honestly? I don't think you can do any wrong!! Everything is lovely.
Blank books - gorgeous! Any occasion, don't you think?
So lovely to pop over here for a jolly good read, and feast my eyes on your beautiful creations xx
your little purses are just stunning, I want one for my little girls glory box, yes shes 4 months old but can never start too early with such one of a kind beautiful things
love and yarn
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