"So I'm sitting at a bar in Guadalajara"....
Hello lovelies...The current Mr Hens Teeth and I, visited Lucy (our eldest) in London today, just for a flyer! Big squeezy hug and we jumped straight onto a bus to Liberty. Is there a finer store anywhere???Here are my poor little snaps of the day, they certainly do not do Liberty justice...


Round the corner to Carnaby Street and a few shop windows....

Long, long queue to get in for a coffee here, can't imagine why ;-) centralperk We didn't, too much to do, in too little time.
Finally, I hope you don't think I'm being mean here girls, but the reality is, it's on it's way....... this was 4th floor at Liberty, verrrrrrrry pretty. Could have spent a fortune on some of the most exquisite Chr...... (oops nearly said it then) ornaments :-)
Thanks very much for stopping by. x
Dare I say we've organised our C word day already. Unusually on the ball for us. Can I sit back and wait for it to happen now do you suppose? Probably not!
Looking forward to seeing you at the V&H.
PS - Complete with silk embroidered picture!!
LOVE this and these images, don't say that Chr.... word, it makes me chilly, too.
Well, any pictures of Liberty's are better than none! When I made my pilgrimage to England way back in 1987, I took pictures of Liberty's, but they didn't turn out :~( But I came home with many meters of Tana Lawn to add to the collection I had been amassing here in the states for several years :~)
Thank you, I enjoyed the shopping trip very much. It's soooo nice to take a mini trip to London before I go off to work, teehee!
Fi x
Well, those things are BLUE so I can ignore them!
I'm going to say the F word: first morning FROST here! Oh no! Most of the leaves are still green though so this stupid cold autumn thing will simply have to go away.
I said in these shoes? I don't think so.
Liberty is my favourite store, the building alone is wonderful. Hoping to go down in a couple of weeks, was not sure if the chr...... stuff would be out yet, you have answered that question, well done p.s really love your stuff, yours should be show cased in libertys, if it has not already S x
We had a weeks holiday in London a few week's ago and visited Liberty for the first time. My eyes were glued to all the gorgeous things and those fresh flowers were to die for...Lucey x
Lovely, lonely pic's - sets a girl up for the day!
x Vicky x
MMMmmmmm, Kirsty Mcoll? in these shoes?...............I dont think so....................
Liberty lovage, hooray
And those sparkly decs, may I start to get a teensiest bit excited?
Love Sarah xxx
Drool I certainly did, looking at your photos. I am dying to go to London again. It has been an age since I've been there! Liberty will be one of my first ports of call!
Really enjoyed your mini tour around London.
Isabelle x
Wonderful photos Viv. I've never been to Liberty's before but I think I would love it. I love the rack of papers (is it wrapping paper or fabric?)
and I love the Chr.... department. I would have had to get at least one special ornie from there ...
I am loving Rosemary's Garden, so very beautiful and delicate. I can't wait to show my Mum when I next see her, she will love it too!
Thank you dear sweet kind Viv. I am working on something for you
Love and bye for now
Carolyn x
Hi Viv, what a great post! Would love to stroll around Liberty's shop..those papers looked fantastic!
You do have some lovely days out. I suppose it was a breeze compared to lille!
Ohhhhhhhhhhhh I love it! I need a trip. I'm ready for Chr.... ornaments!
I need to visit Libertys again soon ....its like cocaine for the eyes (and not much cheaper ;) )
I have never been to Liberties....ever....in fact trips to London...you can count on one hand maybe two at a pinch in 45 years! but it would be worth it to go there it looks like Helen Heaven...have a good weekend ...love and hugglets H
I love Liberty!
Many years ago I worked around the corner and would pop in every lunch time to browse and be inspired.
I work in retail - I am allowed to blether on about Christmas with gay abandon! But turquoise decorations - ooh too gorgeous for words. I must get to Liberty soon...
Liberty is lovely inside and out. Have enjoyed your pics Viv - even the Xmas tree, but I don't want to think about that yet! Best wishes.
Hi Viv, hope you had a good weekend. I've shown everyone my beautiful Rosemary's Garden on my blog just now and now I'm off to email you a picture of it, but feel free to take the ones on the blog as well
I love Rosemary's Garden!!! Did I tell you that!!
Bye for now
Much love
Carolyn x
...and exactly how much cash have you got left now then? x;0)
Don't be coy! We've been thinking about Christmas since August in this barmy household! Think I'll avoid that particular display - looks veeerrry tempting! t.x
I can't help being curious about your phrase 'the current Mr Hen's Teeth...' Are you planning another one? Sorry to be nosey but I can't help it :-)
oooo Liberty swoon, and they do paper??!!! eekk!! Mxx
Liberty is not what it was 50 or even 40 years ago when I shopped there regularly for `Tana Lawn' - the price now is horrific. I now collect old fabrics from chairty shops; cheaper and more exciting.
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