Having a little space to sell at The Wear-House means I am constantly tempted by other seller's gorgeous stock...such as this, which I am afraid, I could not resist.
I believe the basis of the quilt dates back to the late 1700's (I could be wrong). I also believe that it had been eaten by moth and had degraded sufficiently for someone (quite a long time ago) to use the original quilt as a basis for another. Whoever, took a great deal time and trouble to overlay more fabric and quilt it with running stitches, in a diamond pattern. These two layers have been applied to hand woven linen.
I purchased this treasure, this week, with most of the top layer of fabrics missing (moth and someone has chopped an awful lot away). It doesn't look up to much, but take a closer peek...
If you would like to see more, here is the blog
Thanks so much for stopping by. x
OMG this quilt is truly beautiful! You must love it to bits! If you ever get bored of it please think of me and I would gladly buy it from you and give it a very happy home. look forward to seeing you at the next Handmade fair.
Kim Morris
Isn't there just something magical about things that have seen alot of life? It is fun to imagine all the generations that have lived and loved with these treasures. What a beautiful find and that child's coat is as stylish today as it was when it was brand new!
Wowser, what a piece of textile! GIMME GIMME GIMME! (my green eyed monster is back!) And Heaven 17 takes me right back to my wasted youth, if I knew then what I know now.... Thanks for sharing your very lucky find! X
I would be over the moon were I, you. The quilt is amazing. All of your photos of where you were make me want more. But then that's the addiction, isn't it? Lovely post, thanks, The Olde Bagg
OMG what a find Viv! I can see how you could work your magic on that, perhaps into smaller pieces.
Love the bird cage, I have a very similar one at home.
Think I would have been very tempted by the dolls house too. Must visit that place when I'm back up that way.
the quilt has to be one of the moast beautiful things I have ever seen...
All that work of mending and patching is truly charming and beautiful. How you must long to know the quilt's history; who did the all that work over the years etc. What a shame we live in this throw away world now.
Oh I would spend a fortune Viv, How are you sweetie, I think of you often and send big hugs...has your daughter started uni yet??? The quilt is wonderful...what stories it could tell.....
boy, did this go to the right person. Its a beaut!
What a magical way to start the day to ead your blog,the quilt is absolutely amazing no wonder you had to have it,it has gone to the right home.I see so many things to love in your pics too many to mention lol Thank you so much for sharing thiese lovely things with us.Carole xx
How lovely that quilt is, I would love it on my wall! And all those other things, golly gee wiz I want to buy them all!!!!! I was thinking of a visit to see my mum in a couple of weeks, if I get there I must pop into Ludlow and spend some money. Maybe see you there? Lots love Jane xx
oh my heavenly goodness! I adore the quilt. What a treasure - and a great idea you have for displaying on your wall. I am indeed envious! Jamie V in MT
I'm in total agreement with you Viv about the strange ragged beauty of a piece of fabric such as your quilt... you couldn't reproduce it if you tried. That tiny fragment with the little flower print - it's exquisite! We're all a bit weird aren't we, loving stuff that is literally falling apart!
That quilt is stunning Viv..it is, I'm sure going to be a source of inspiration. x
Ohhhh how yummy. You are so lucky Viv, if I suggested to the OH that I put a quilt like that on our living room wall he would explode ;-) He just doesn't get it, bless! Guy would, wouldn't he?
Hey Viv, it's so true that 'beauty is in the eye of the beholder'.
The textural quality of the quilt is amazing, you can sit and be absorbed by all the different layers and textures in it.
The tales it could tell,whilst not heard, are seen in the stitching and sewing that has taken place.
What a wonderful series of images; really had fun looking at these and have remembered a few projects I've left drift by. Thanks for the motivation!
Oh, Viv! Thanks ever so much for sharing. Were those dates on the quilt (I saw 1788 and 1800)? The 1788 stood out to me because that's when Sydney was settled by the British. Maybe a red herring but it caught my eye. So does that mean you are sewing again, post-op? If so, I'm delighted to hear that. J x
Step by step and day by day every second counts..........
I could have gazed at those fabric close ups for hours had my boys not come harrassing me for tea and walks!
Viv did you see Selvedge and the fabric remnants from the Foundlings Hospital? It was so beautiful and heartbreaking.
Enjoy gazing at your treasure of a quilt....
Love Sarah xXx
Can quite see why the quilt had to go home with you ;o)
I love the old dolls house too
Hope you are doing ok Viv x
The quilt is beautiful. There is something so special about all those layers of work and life, what a find. You have captured it so well in your photos.
Its a beautiful quilt, I can quite see why you want it hanging on the wall so yo can look at it all the time. I hope you're hand is getting better...little steps....
Wonderful old quilt - and its clearly gone to just the right person! Looks like some great stuff in The Wear House - I must visit again soon. I love Ludlow!
My goodness, how beautiful! Every stitch has a story...no wonder you want to keep it! Carol x
I really must get over to Ludlow soon...what fabulous offerings! The quilt and little jacket you've bought are fabulous. I don't know why, but I just love anything with the CC41 mark on it...it evokes so much about the era. Katie x
Oh Viv, you're so soft hearted and the quilt is perfect for you. It is ancient! Absolutely amazing that it has survived at all.
Sending love,
Sharon Lovejoy Writes from Sunflower House and a Little Green Island
What a fab post Viv, i adore that quilt, and to put it on your sitting room wall is such a good idea. I so love that sort of wear and tear i call it the Miss Haversham look!! I have two vintage quilts in the shop, sold a few, one i had was backed with the old flour sacks, not sure of their ages, and another one is so meticulously hand stitched with hexagonal shapes, i just love the thought of "old great aunty hilda's" apron having a use. The social history in these works of art are amazing. I must visit Ludlow and the Wearhouse, Gav and i are looking to furnish the house now, so always on the lookout for bits and pieces. The shop is shut on mondays so may pop over there. Speak to you soon xxx
Can see why you find yourself giving into temptation Viv!! What a lovely collection. x
The quilt is gorgeous! I would not be able to sell in a place like that, the temptation would be too great!
That quilt, with all of it's wonderful worn layers and bits of magical interest makes my heart beat (very) fast. What an amazing treasure!! (I wish it were mine!)
love the detail.....truly an inspirational quilt....
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