You may remember these Cotton Reel Prims, I made a while back.
I really enjoyed making them, but they were very time consuming to make.
I wanted to revisit the design, but didn't want to fiddle faddle for hours making them.
The following pages are from my sketchbook...
I thought you may like to follow my thought process,
strange as it may be ...
Below, I wanted to kind of recreate the Prim thing but not as severe in facial expression.
Getting the expression right, is the key and the eyes say it all.
More sketches.
I like the thought of flowers growing from the top of a head, an expression of beautiful thoughts....
Bunny ears maybe???
Bunny ears and trying to get those eyes right...
So, I decided to translate these thoughts onto paper. Old, worn, faded, foxed, lovely old paper. Using free machine embroidery, not the easiest of techniques, very unforgiving.
Eyes overworked and looking a little demonic here.
Dirk looks on and wonders why he isn't included in all this???
So here are a few more trials on various old papers.

and here are my three pieces that I am happy with and are now in my Etsy shop.
The back of this envelope was too beautiful to not use. So I detached it and added it underneath.
I have applied the whole thing onto a very old piece of faded quilt.
She is called 'Lavina Lopsided Lovely'
and she has a passionate love for buttons.
Here is 'Loretta Lopsided Lovely'.
She loves flowers and has flowery thoughts go through her mind all the time.
She smells pretty, like a flower too.
'Lucinda Lopsided Lovely'...her passion is for birds.
She doesn't mind that they stand on her head,
but only one at a time please.
So there we are, from a thought/idea, to final pieces...
from the girls and I,
we would like to say, thank you for stopping by. x
The image on the elventh photo is my favourite. Interesting to see your thought processes. I love Dirk by the way!
These are beautiful, I love the old envelopes and letters you have used.
That was a very interesting look at your creative journey. Can we see more of Dirk, btw? :)
These are lovely. They remind me a little of one of the lino prints in my final art assignment. It was of a head with flowers coming out of the top, and showed the veins inside the head going down through to the neck where they kind of turned into roots!! I've been looking back through your recent posts and you have created some really, lovely imaginative pieces. M x
so beautiful...you have such a wonderful talent...x
Oooo you are just too clever.
Lovely to see you at work.
Lucinda is simply wonderful!
Talking of Lopsided Lovlies! ;D Hope things are groovy your end missus? LOVING these new pieces and LOVING a mooch around your sketchbook/brain!!
Big loves missus xxxxxxxx
They have taken my breath away. Amazing. Speechless. Ax
Truly fab! Lovely craft work and great art work - well done! What talent! xxx
I think that I have a little Loretta in me, Trixie Loretta, wonderful.
As always lovely, lovely designs.
These are fabulous Viv. Love them!
ummmm think I'm in love. Triplets no less how fine and dandy!
Like the 'new look' faces Viv. x
Hey Viv, love your new pieces and a sneak peek into your work book is always interesting to see the processes behind your makes.
Love the bunny ears, flowers and birds they look so sweet.
Working on paper is very unforgiving and can turn something wonderful into a disaster in two stitches flat, but you have managed it beautifully.
Poor Dirk, he does look rather left out..........
Claire :}
these are FAB ...and interesting seeing your process...x
This was a great post as I often wonder what your process is,there is certainly only one of you.
I love seeing an artist's process as work - especially when it's your work, thank you so much for sharing! I love that song too, although I love all the songs you quote from, we must be about the same age. ;) (All those 'loves', it must be Friday! wink wink)
Wonderful artwork and such fun! I really like that you've used the old envelopes as your canvas.
Wonderful...I love bunny ears and the bird on her head...I think birds are often flying around in mine...I hope you are well...I think of you often...
Viv,I love the idea of flowers coming out a head as beautiful thoughts...It is so nice to watch your creative process and I think you are such a clever clogs and quite brilliant..lol
much love Anne x
(just chuckling at the word verification poomakes!!!)
Love the little miss with the birdie on her head... perhaps she is contemplating taking flight to join her winged companion.
Have not forgot about your request, I'm on the lookout at every auction we have.
Toodles for now, Susan x
sweet, sweet post and ladies!! loved seeing your sketchbook and how you translate it into your pieces
Gorgeous work - really fantastic!
I wish I had a dog like Dirk. These are scrummy and those envelopes are gorgeous.
I love them, especially their little individual expressions and the flowers in their hair.
Beautiful work.
A coincidence in reading the title of your post - I have just this evening (Tuesday) introduced my 14 year old daughter to The Cure - she loves them!
Love, love, love, love, LOVE!!!!
oh my these your work is absolutely wonderful - stunning, you are so creative - thank you for sharing your thought process and the journey that this project took - it makes a delightful tale.
Such a wonderful post.. Love it, love it, love it... Truely inspirational.. You are a star!
I love your art sooooooooooo much .
Love ♥RINI♥ the Netherlands
Oooh these are rather lovely!
Viv -
Ideas spilling,
Thoughts racing,
Hearts fluttering,
Hours passing,
Skills skittering off the page into sublime creation.
Just a snapshot of...
a day in the life of a virtuoso.
Dearest Viv!
Lovely to see the process AND the results,
everything you do is magical<3
Hope you're doing fine
Boy you just ooozzz creativity... love your blog, adore your work. Lovely to see what is possible. I've just acquired a 60's Bernina machine drop feed at the ready... need to find some classes...
I love your stuff - you capture and make something of what is a thought, transient, a little drawing, a fun thing - I like that.
I just too see your sketch book pages i adore them and to see your working process, you work is so original has such charm, i remain and Huge fan :D
J'aime beaucoup ce que tu fais.
Bel été
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