The equivalent of our creative journalling, do you think?
Pages filled with photos of happy, young smiling faces, I can't help but feel a little melancholy.
Her blouse is luminous and ghostly.
One of the pages has these paragraphs of shorthand, at one time I would have been able to decipher but I have long forgotten that language. In between the shorthand is a circle which looks like a circular thumb print but on closer inspection is the Lords Prayer ~ hand written. It is just under half an inch in diameter and absolutely fascinating. I wonder who William Lawson was?
I took the photo with my super macro lens and it is still difficult to read! Incredible.
I am very lucky and have this week off work, but can I kick myself into crafty action, can I hell! Don't know what on earth is the matter with me. I do tend to get this quite often, it's almost like the fatigue takes over me in a vice like grip. I spend my time at work, dreaming of having time at home to enjoy my studio but, urgh, I feel so lethargic....is it the time of year? Or is it just me?
Well my friends, I have kept from rambling in my usual fashion but still managed a moan. :-)
Take care and thank you for stopping by.x
I know what you mean - this week I have no teaching committments and I've told myself no blogging (does reading blogs count?) so that I could catch up with various sewing projects but all I'm doing is flitting from one thing to another and achieving very little! Your photos are lovely.
yep, I empathise. Procrastination isn't good, which is what I seem to be doing at the moment! ;0
What a fascinating book - the photos are lovely and that Lord's Prayer - gracious - so tiny! I think the time of year has a great deal to do with fatigue - not much sunlight, still chilly. I think our ancestors went to bed not long after sundown and got up at dawn at this time of year - imagine the delicious hours of sleep! I think the longer days will help. Hmm, I was up at 5 with a very energetic tiny tot - I'm not at my most perky!
I love the faded pages of the old book and the antique lace is just beautiful.
I have been feeling quite worn out too,hubby still looking for work so quite stressful and what with the depressing news all the time.
It's lovely to escape for a while to visit beautiful blogs and then back to a bit of stitching.
M x
Just gorgeous Viv - thanks for sharing this wonderful book/journal, great to see Cardiff popping up again! Many congrats on being featured in cloth paper scissors - your work looks stunning!
Isn't this blogging lark great? I have just come here to visit my chum and seen other chums have already been. Its like being in a lovely little gang. I am a bit old but iteresting (I hope) myself Viv so i appreciate the title of this post. The content is lovely and the mosaic beautifullly mellow.
Now get some work done!
I feel exactly the same...another sleep in and an afternoon snooze..I feel frustrated as I have so much to do....I hope you will be feeling better soon....its awful feeling like this on holiday...I have just been to Bombay stores....an amazing Indian shop full of all sorts of treasures from baubles and angles to traditional dress and gem encrusted shos which turn up at the end...as you can imagine polly was spoilt rotten with pashminas and jewelled and glittery jewellry boxes and mirrors...Mummy was a god girl and bought nothing....
First, thankyou for showing the lovely book, and the lace; magical. As to your feeling of inertia - why oh why does it take us so unawares when we least want and need it? I think it might be called the February Blues: as the days begin to lengthen and we hope the worst of the winter weather is past, do we relax? Is it the body and mind telling is to 'take a rest'? I only manage to complete something if I have a deadline looming, and not always then!
I loved your CPS article - it was how I found your blog.
Oh, me too - me too!
Just over a week ago, I managed to heft myself into sewing again...the first time since Christmas Eve!! All over the festive holiday I was itching to get on - and then...nothing!! I ask you!
Totally fascinating read, Viv. Thanks for sharing xx
You do the most lovely things on your blog..a joy to visit always! ;-)
So beautiful old things, love the journal! You seems to find so great things all the time! I can read here that we are many who had procrastinaton at the moment, why aren´t we only lay back and waiting for spring ?! ;-)
That book's great, how detailed is that prayer!
Not just you feeling a big blah, I can't even do a blog post because it would bore me, let alone anyone else! The most exciting thing I've done in the last couple of days is the dusting (and that's only because mum in law was coming back from a month's holiday!)
Mel xxx
That was meant to say "bit" not big! Sorry! x
Wow that Lord's Prayer is beautiful, a real treasure. Keep it safe :-)
Great find Viv! quite a special atmosphere in the photos. How about a dose of Nickelback??!! might get you going! I know just what you mean tho, I don't know what it is but I've also found it so difficult to get started, we're already in Feb and it's just not happening.
Today I will mostly be staring aimlessly out of windows and drinking tea...aren't half terms BRILLIANT! x;0)
I'm so glad it's not just me that is feeling the blahs. I can't get motivated to do anything at the moment, despite the weather becoming milder and the days becoming a bit longer. I'd promised myself to get my house spring cleaned this month and have only managed one room so far.
That old book is fascinating. I looked at the shorthand notes for ages and am shocked to find that I can't read any of it - I used to take dictation at 120 wpm and I seem to have completely forgotten the system. That is really scary!
I googled William Lawson 1904 and there was a book Born Again written by William Lawson in 1904...sure fits. I love that circle...you should reproduce it and make cards!!! I'll buy one.
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