Prepare for a small rant!
I'm convinced that I have a mischievious Sprite that sits on my shoulder...a naughty little imp whose whole existence is about making my life difficult....what am I talking about? I'm talking about being clumsy! The Sprite goes about dropping, breaking, pushing, name it I do it! If there is a difficult route round it that's the way I go. I place an item onto a work surface, it invariably rolls or falls off, smashing into a thousand pieces, just as I'm leaving for work. If I can put a finger through a brand new pair of tights...oh yes, straight through. I find it impossible to hold my handbag and a carrier bag and use my key to open the front door, not without dropping my keys or a bag. I think this is probably not the Sprite's fault but because I go at everything like a bull at a gate. Incapable of thinking anything through, so I'm always tripping, ripping, breaking and dropping! The whole point of this little rant is the pic of the Hellebores below. I spotted some snowdrops covered with last years dead Hellebore leaves in my garden today, so in I go with the secateurs to clear away dead leaves, so I can see the beloved snowdrops and what do I do, I manage to cut the beautiful new flowers of the Hellebore too, sheesh!
In a way it was a good thing because I took a minute to photograph the exquisite beauty of this lovely flower, that like the snow drop bravely flowers when it's very, very cold.One of the flowers, artfully (dare I say) layed across a sketchbook/journal I embellished today. I've used some lovely old foxed lace, stitchery, buttons and of course, I had to add a bit of Liberty Lawn. sold

Same goes for this one too. I do enjoy using 1930's embroidery transfers too. They are so bold and graphic. sold
Well, my little Sprite and I wish you well and thank you for stopping by.x
as always your work is are so clever...I am knitting like a mad woman...I want this b****y jumper out of the way...although someone has asked if she could commission one just after I said never again...will post it when I and hugs...H
So beautiful - I adore liberty's lawn and used to buy remnants; but when I went into the fabric department last year I was staggered by the prices. Every little last snippet is hoarded!
Well the little sprite has been very busy helping you with sales! Well done, lovely work.
Oh this Hellebores are so wonderful as well as your collage on the book!
I hope you don´t get more trouble ;-) and that your flowers will growin your garden! Now have we snow here in Sweden, but we have snowdrops under the snow
looks like you might have to ask those sprites for some help creating more stuff for Etsy! I adore your art :)
I love Hellebores. They line the path down the side of my home and when they flower, I constantly pick them to put in old jars around my home.
I think your sprite has brought you luck.
Very lovely journals.x
Love your journals Viv!!:) Sorry about the flowers! If it makes you feel any better, I took what I thought were a pair of thinning sheers to bangs..and oops!! I cut a 2 inch patch of my hair out!! i felt something weird on my pants today and my brand new pair of jeans has a big tear in them...good thing I had my coat on all day... LOL Still, I feel bad for you.... warm wishes, Amy
I love Hellebores. Your post is so beautiful. I bought some small pieces of Liberty lawn to use on my pin cushions, recently. Gorgeous fabric! ;-)
Very artfully arranged and very beautiful, no wonder it sold. I hope your Sprite behaves itself!
oooh! gorgeous colour in those hellebores - i've only got green ones in the garden and i never notice them until they're almost dead!
beautiful notebooks too, i'm loving the vintage pink and cream colours you've got in your pics at the moment, so soft and delicate :)
hope you have aslightly less clumsy day today, unless it results in more beautiful pics of course!
That's such a pretty journal. Can I be a thicky and ask what foxed means?
The hellebores are very pretty! I am very accident prone too, usually when it involves something completely irreplaceable :-S
Mel xxx
You are funny, I think what you have is a quip of a creative person. Want to do 101 things, never get round to it, feel shattered from day to day living so pick up the pace and go 100 miles an hour then make tiny errors that you could kick yourself for doing...........................Oh it's me too.
Sam x
Hi Viv! Sorry I haven't commented in a while. I have been getting your RSS feeds and, although I don't always have the mind-power to read, I always look at the pictures. Your work seems to be getting MORE beautiful - how is that possible?!
I think that sprite must have cousins in Manchester... your typical day sounds very much like mine! Quite often what the Manchester sprites do is bide their time, wait until I have carefully planned a course of action and then pounce... cutting through a vital piece of yaran, letting a knife slip so that something special gets slashed, running out of spool thread 2cm before the end of a hem, popping a red sock into the whites wash... I'm sure you know the sort of thing ;-)
Congrats on all of your sales, and don't feel too bad about what the little sprite made you do. It reminds me of my favorite quote:
"Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heal that has crushed it."
~ Mark Twain
Oh you make such lovely things.
I'm not so much clumsy as I am bad at misjudging gaps and doorways, I have permanently bruised hips from knocking into things : (
Naughty sprite - but on the up side we wouldn't have been treated to the pic of those stunning hellebores if the secateurs hadn't slipped! The flowers look gorgeous alongside your work, which, as ever I have to keep going back to for an extra look! Lovely x
beautiful work and i love the colour of those hellebores - gorgeous.
For someone who lives with the clumsy sprite, you create some pretty delicate dainty stitching. I would be all fingers and thumbs....or my clumsy sprite would be anyway.
Hi, just catching up with your blog to make sure I haven't missed any gorgeous goodies while I've been away!
Your work is so beautiful and inspiring. I love these latest offerings! Very best wishes, have a good weekend! Carolyn
Ah Viv, big sigh... do you think the sprite would be interested in international travel?? if this is what comes of having one about then I have room here!! Once again you come up with the most gorgeous ideas, so delicate and beautifully put together.
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