Thursday, 5 February 2015

thank you for all your kind comments received over the last few posts.
Each comment very much appreciated.

The heart brooches I have been making for a while now and it struck me how designs progress...
so I start with the heart brooches and move onto making Cuff/Bracelets...with appliquéd found vintage motifs...

which leads to screen printing imagery onto bracelets....

then hand painting the imagery for bracelets ...

and onto hand painting necklaces...
Bunny and deliciously wicked Mr. Foxy.

Mr. Badger next, I think.
Thanks for stopping by. x


Connie said...

Oh my goodness . . . my poor old heart skipped a beat when I saw your charming creations. You are so talented and your blog absolutely screams (in a soft way,LOL) enchantment. I don't know how I haven't found you sooner. Thanks you Cindy, of The Bee Lady from Hilltop Farm, for having you on her blog-list . . . that is how I found your blog. I am your newest follower. I think that we have a lot in common, please come visit my blog, too :)
Have a wonderful day!
Connie :)

Niki Fretwell said...

What an inspiration you are Viv - I see you've obviously discovered a longer day to the rest of us!
Wonderful work and I look forward to seeing Mr. Badger featured soon.

Loved the little wooden brick flower garden too.
Niki xx

Flaming Nora said...

Badger! Now you are talking! I found a badgers paw print in the flower pot by my front door the other day. We have lots of badgers round here.

Bee Lady said...

Bracelets are my favorite kind of jewelry! Love them all. your style is adorable.

Cindy Bee

Lesley said...

(I just commented- not sure if it went through- so forgive if you get 2 ) I love your work! I am inspired and wish I could make my own, but I am also very intimidated! I adore your posts!

faith76 said...

Lovely little pieces of art work xxx

Marci said...

Your work makes me smile.

Anonymous said...

te sigo hace bastante tiempo, tu blog es ese cabo para que te vengan ideas, un saludo.

Amber at Sequin Stitches said...

Just discovered your lovely blog, look forward to following your posts x