Hello ...... no Saturday Shopping List this week, as I have decided to take myself off the list. Hopefully charlotte will not be too upset with me. I have really enjoyed putting the list together each week, but I'm feeling a bit of pressure at the mo. Along with lots of moans and groans, my Dad had is angioplasty today, he is through it now, thank goodness, but oh dear what a worry these parentals are!!!!! (Just trying to think which is more of a worry parents or kids, hard to decide really).I have a Fair coming up on 6th December here and have to get my finger out, as they say!Have'nt really a great deal to 'show and tell' today, other than these cards I have been making.
Consisting of .....1882 ledger page, bit of worn crochet, feather and of course a button. This week I have been mostly preparing for....ooooh....I can barely say it........ the Julie Arkell Workshop. Saturday and Sunday 15th/16th at Stroud, Gloucestershire.This was the list I was sent.......
This is what I have collected together...do you think I have enough stuff?????
I shall walk in like a pack horse.
Anyway, I shall let you know how it goes. Right, I must go and pack and fine tune the 'stuff' to take.I hope you all have a great weekend and thanks for stopping by.x
The cards look really interesting! Wish I was going on the workshop with Julie Arkell too! Have a wonderful time.
Hello to you too:)
I do hope you have a lovely time with our Julie.
Please remember to take your camera and tell us all about it......I have a list of questions to ask you about Julie's techniques......
Fabaroo ! How exciting there was a post about Julie Arkell I read ages ago. Saw her in the Embroidery mag too......Have a fun time.
Sam x
PS Work as gorgeous as ever, can't wait to come and buy up your carft stall in Dec. Save me a Huglie X
OOPS I mean CRAFT Duh!
I have really enjoyed your saturday picks but I did wonder if it was hard work. You always manages to find a lovely selection of things.
Hope your dad is OK with angioplasty.
I think you'll need the day off on Monday after that weekend workshop.
Have fun.
ooooo... I can't wait to see what you make with Julie Arkell. You'll probably take way too much stuff and not have what you really want when you get there - that's the kind of thing i'd do ;)
Enjoy the workshop - tells us all about it.
Hello Viv How nice to have found your blog, we have met and spoken a couple of times years ago now. I was asking you about getting a card agent for my stained glass cards. pop over to my blog and see if you remember me!
I went on a Julie Arkell course a few years ago at Ruthin when we lived in Shropshire, it was WONDERFUL and i now make some of my own creatures. She is such a lovely inspiring person you will enjoy yourself SO much. Jane
sureThere's something about a spotted feather that really appeals to me. Can't wait to hear all the details about your workshop with Julie Arkell.
can't wait to see what you make with Julie Arkell.
The link to where you are going to
be on 6th Dec dis not work. Are you doing we make? (I was going to go along you see).
How jealous are we all? I hope the Julie Arkell workshop was as fab as anticipated. Hurry up and post about it. Can't wait to see what you made.
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