There are quite a few photos here, as I wanted to share with you the complete creative process Julie took us on. I was a little shy to take a picture of her as soon as she started to talk, so this one is from a little later in the day ....... I just wanted to introduce her. She is dressed exquisitely, quirky and feminine. She dresses how I would love to dress but have'nt the nerve and I am also too fat....I would look a real fright but Julie, her style looks just right. She is a reflection of her beautiful art, all merging into a sweet, happy, patient, intelligent, romantic, quirky and interesting form.
Coffee break.... some of Julie's beautiful work.
Brooches for sale £45 each.
Back to creature ~ very crude shape.
Oh this is another I made, a bunny creature....
Oh yes and another...... a little disturbing maybe, with the arms and legs of foreign dolls.
More of Julie's precious work.....
I took this sneaky pic of her Jacket and scarf, the details of embroidery and little added handmade accessories are so lovely. I just wanted to stare!
Demonstration of how to layer the coat of newpaper strips and wall paper paste.
Sue...sitting next to me, went down the path of dolls heads on bird shapes!
Julie takes a piece of paper and embroideres the eyes and mouth etc. and then applies this with paste. Tricky, very tricky!
Of course, you can't make clothes and decorate the pieces whilst they are wet, so alot of knitting went on and oooohhs and aaaaghs were to be heard, as ladies pulled out lovely vintage fabrics, wools, buttons etc. to dress their work.
Anyway the day came to an end and we had a 'show and tell'. Julie graciously picked every single piece up and made some lovely comment about it's creative path and how wonderful each and every one had turned out.
These pieces were made by Emily who is 16 years old.

A few other pieces, some nearly completed, some not.
A few other pieces, some nearly completed, some not.
I added this because the lady who made these left her knitting with her display, which was very apt.
I will post more photos as I complete and rework these babies.
So happy with the weekend (as you can probably tell)!!!! It has given me lots of ideas of how I could incorporate this kind of medium into my own work. Julie's teaching methods are very genteel and encouraging and really you can't ask for more than that. Well I hope I have'nt gone on too much....thanks for stopping by.x
ps I made a mess of the link to the Light House Festive Flair Designer/Maker Fair on 6th December next, where one will have a stand! Here is the link (thanks Monda)x
It looks like you had a fantastic weekend! Julie Arkells quirky style and sense seems to have rubbed off on everyone - all the creatures look great, can't wait to see how you finish yours :)
Love the quirky lil creatures/animals. She really is inspirartional and its great for the development of your own work.
I was checking out the Festive Flair info on their website and there was a little pic of your creative talents!! Very exciting felt proud to know you (In a blog world sense).
Enjoy soaking up memories of your weekend.
Sam x
So envious!!! What a brilliant w/e.
Hi Viv,
It looks like you had a fantastic time.
A perfect weekend..wish I could have been there.
Thank you so much for sharing.
Perhaps one day we should organize our own creative day with lots of coffee,tea and biscuits!
Oh you lucky lucky thing! Thank you so much for sharing with those of us who haven't a hope of attending one of those amazing workshops. I have admired Julie Arkells work since I was a teenager myself - buying pink pyramids on Covent Garden market! t.xx
Wow, that looks like it was a fantastic workshop. I'm inspired to make a paper doll myself now looking at those amazing photos :-)
I love the way your admiration for Julie Arkell just bubbles over! I don't blame you!
I only rediscovered her work recently. I used to love her stuff years ago, but didn't see much of it until earlier this year I saw the article about her in Selvedge magazine. Very inspirational...
wow wow WOW!!!
what a lovely post, sounds like a fantastic experience {very VERY jealous!!}
Oh wow - what an amazing weekend, I'm total jealous!
looks like you had a heap of fun - reminds me of the weekend I spent doing the same thing - can I direct you to my post about it?
you may enjoy it!
I love how paper, masking tape and wallpaper paste are all easily available.
What a wonderful weekend.
It must have been fantastic to spend time with such a talented inspiration woman.
I would have studied her jacket as much as thee…..although I’m not sure I would adopt her ‘look’ –
I look forward in seeing more...what fun! I've been tempted to buy her book.
It sounds as if you had a great time. Look forward to seeing more photographs.
This is so marvelous and looks like such fun, I would love to take a class like this. Thanks so much for sharing, it was really delightful! (I want to go try this, now!)
That looks like so much fun!!
I've made a dragon using a similar method.
You have been tagged! (please do not worry if you don’t have time etc… Thanks!)
♥ visit me at ♥
Absolutely amazing, Viv - looks great fun, and so much creativity in one room.
I'm glad you enjoyed it Viv.
I have mixed feelings about her..I saw her exhibition at the Platform Gallery a couple of years ago and didn't quite know how I felt about her work.
Its certainly very different and I can see the appeal. I want to go off and make a papier mache rabbit eared figure now.
these are so much fun, i am SO glad i stumbled upon your post!
(your corsages are lovely, by the way . . .)
Many compliments for your creations. On my blog there is my first"Candy" (or Giveaway). If you give me your comment, there is many opportunity for win my art-journal (18 pages handmade). Until 13 december. I'm waiting on my blog. Ciao, elena
Great post! I have enjoyed reading about the Julie Arkell workshop, having read many magazines and books that feature her work. Looking forward to seeing your completed whimsies.
Teehee! Sounds like you a had a ball missus! Looking forward to seeing more piccies of the mache menagerie! x;)
I love Julie Arkells work! It looks like an amazing weekend with a great outcome :)
In Stroud?! I wish I had known about it - I would have loved to have gone. It looks loads of fun!
I have only just discovered your blog and have been reading it over the weekend & just a week ago discovered Julie Arkell.. living in Australia, I don't have the opportunity to do a workshop with her.. so thanks tons for sharing this.. I want to have a go at making one.
And even her scarf! This has inspired me to pick up the knitting needles long forgotten and start knitting again.
Hello I love your post with julie arkell I have one question - you mentioned using paste to stick paper down with - is it wallpaper paste or flour & water mix? they would have to dry quick over night! I love your blog!
Thank you for sharing the step by step... I did one day workshop with her in London last year but we didn't make the creatures. Since I've been back I've been trying to get the fine papier mache finish she gets - but mine are very lumpy looking... I will keep trying.
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