I wanted to show you these web cam photos my daughter took of herself after an evening of making herself up. She copied the top pic and applied this makeup late one evening. Holly had not got her camera handy, so she took a few web pics of herself. I thought she had been on Photoshop! She really ought to go in theatrical makeup, I think she is so clever, but there again I would, would'nt I???!!!

1. irenesuchocki ~ This Bird Has Flown - 8x10 Fine Art Print
Had the greatest difficulty to choose one piece from Irene's work. So incredible....so I've posted two!

2. A Song for Spring - 6x6 Fine Art Print on Metallic Paper

4. just2sayhi ~ Recycle flower ring series 03 - Print 21x29.7cm (A4size)

5. grandmascats ~ Set of 6 Crochet Pastel ROSES FLOWERS and leaves Applique Embellishment Scrapbooking

Thank you to all the really wonderful Etsy sellers and thank you for stopping by.x
I think your daughter is very clever!
It reminds me of the joker smile.
Great items in your list I better start doing mine.
Have a good weekend.x
I love your daughter's make up - fabulous!
That just2sayhi print is absolutely gorgeous!
that's quite an eclectic selection there! I love the Just2sayhi picture - so delicate and poignant.
you're right, she should go into theatre makeup! she did a brilliant job.
nice picks on the saturday shopping list.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE that bag!!! And such a great name, too! Lovely as ever, Viv!
Your daughter certainly has a great talent! Amazing - if a little spooky!
Well mummy's pride or no, I think it looks flipping amazing...disturbing!...but amazing!
Soz for the emotional rollercoaster!.. X;0)
Hi Viv,
I posted some of your pics on my blog - as I told you I had wanted to add you there to talk about your art and how it moved me - let me know if you get feedback
Definitely the joker's smile as Kayla mentioned. Lovely selection again, Viv.
Wow your daughter did an awesome job! My daughter just did the make-up for her college theatre group's production of Dracula, and I know what a challenge it was. Your daughter could go pro!
Love your blog, so many wonderful images to drool over (like Homer with a doughnut - love that comment).
Have a Happy Thursday!
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