I have made two pieces this week. A flying birdy winging her way home. I have used as the background an Invoice dating 1945...Duck, Son and Pinker Ltd, (there may be a joke in there somewhere) which has the small written receipt, with postage stamp, applied to it.
Then onto this piece. I know it's not very clever to be pleased with yourself but I am! The bird below is a seperate piece, hand sewn using all manner of various fabrics and papers to create a really textured bird. I applied and then machined around her. Appliquing her to a beautiful piece of paper ephemera dated 1914.
I also wanted to tell you about the postcards I ordered from Moo. I needed cards to write a quick note when sending stuff off and I shall have a job parting with these because Moo have done an exceptional job printing my photos. Top quality card stock, crystal clear printing and with the added bonus of it being a no brainer to order in the first place, I am seriously delighted!
I have got so many ideas swirling around my nogg that I can barely concentrate on anything!
Well it's been a week since my last post and I once again have to thank everyone for taking the time to visit. The comment notification thing has been a godsend and I feel much better in being able to respond to everyone that leaves a comment.
I must add that I have found a wonderful base of truly good friends via my blog and particularly Flickr. Generous, kind and supportive and downright hilarious, at times! We all help each other through the good times and unfortunately for some, very bad times. Speaking for myself, I know I would only have to post a question or a thought and I would have the very best in responses and I hope that you know that I too would reciprocate in the same manner.
Kindest regards to you all and thanks again for stopping by.x
Gorgeous collages! the mix of paper and fabric is always so good! ;0 x
Your two birds are just lovely Viv - I get rather excited about anything birdy-themed at the moment. I love the patchwork-style collage and use of lace.
Those typeset letters and the little pointing hand are treasure - I'm not surprised you'tr keen to
Oh - a little tot popped in for a cuddle - I meant to say, I'm not surprised you're keen to use them in your work!
I love your work, with its own unique style!It's always great to visit you!;-)
Oh wow your bird collages are fab, what a wonderful mix of paper and fabrics!!
And I don't blame you for wanting to use those type set letters and hand I bet you've got a hundred and one ideas!!
Lovely blog, Emma :)
Fantastic letters Viv, Jesper and I bought a tray of those as a job lot in a Stafford antique shop years ago, I've also intended to print with mine but so far we just use them as a display, which can also look really great.
Love the new pieces as usual :-) thanks for the postcard recommendation, always good to see the quality yourself in print.
Can you pop your address in a mail for me, save me having to search through loads of old stuff! I have something I want to send you. T x
I really like your new bird collage Viv, but I like all of your collage as you know :-)
The postcards form moo looks lovley as well ! Have a nice week!
lovely birdy collages - love the blue transfers on them.
i got quite addicted to buying those letter press letters {eBay} - have you a printing press at work? I'd love to own a press!
You make such beautiful things, love the birds!
Mel xxx
Your work is fabulous. I really love the birdy you,ve made that sits just over the edge. I bet your head is buzzing as you're so talented.
Lisa x
You are well within your rights to be pleased with yourself. It really is beautiful the transfer flowers with the bird especially.
I have just been looking at another maker with infinite talent and ideas and wonder what I'm doing.
Oh my! So much to look at in one post! I shall keep coming back to look again!
How lovely that the college have their old print trays and blocks. My art school chucked all theirs out into skips long ago!
Love all your new pieces t.x
oh and the postcards! Beautiful postcards! Moo is such fun. t.x
Love the wooden type! You're going to have such fun in your lunch hours. Gorgeous new work Viv...keep the ideas flowing.
Hi Viv - how are you - I love the collage with the bird jutting out over the side - your work moves me as always. Are those pics of the moo cards - isn't moo great. Have a good week Viv
Viv, the collages are fab, especially the one with the bigger bird, so beautiful. I'm very envious of your block stamps, I have two tiny ones I bought in Portabello Market years ago but I can't get them to work, do they need a special ink. Can't wait to see what you do with yours. Mx
Both your bird pieces are beautiful Viv. I have just inherited a little printing press and a tray full of letters like those from my Dad. He's been in the print all his life and always had a little press in the shed and I thought he's got rid of them long ago but he turned up with them last weekend! I can't wait to have the time to play!
May I suggest an "I'm with Stupid" range for the pointy finger block...which I am officially declaring DIBS on..so if you could sneak that out in your pinny x;0)
Love that birdy hanging off the edge!
Viv you are quite right about the lovely community we are part of. I just don't think men would ever create something like this, and I love it too. It is quite a wonder. x
Oh to be let loose in both of your workplaces...... sigh..........!
Lovely post!
I so enjoy all the work that you create and your newest pieces are no exception... delightful! I look forward to seeing what you come up with using the old letterpress blocks.
I love your little dickie bird...you are so clever....I love the pointing finger too...I would to point it at naughty children!! love and hugs H
hello :)
i love the little bird looking up... he has such a great expresion and the postcards look fab... moo is so great
i collect wood letter printing blocks so your a lucky girl working where you are... can't wait to see how you combine them in your work!
i must get into using flickr.. i just upload and go! it sounds like you've made some great friends there :) linda x
i'm not surprised that the letters and images get your gears going as they certainly look like lots of fun~!!~
love the textured bird and the way that you have it "perched" on the edge of the page . . . your work is always so cute and this is no exception~!!~
Love your work a lot ;o).
Lovely collages, love the flying bird on the first one. The Moo cards look great too. Inspired me to order some.
I saw that fabulous bird (with her tail off the page) on flickr and thought how gorgeous it was!
Viv, you've taken me back to my days at art college...my favourite place was in the print room amongst the old type blocks! Hope you're enjoying the job xx
Just discovered your blog-what wonderful creations. You had me at your blog header.
The birds are delightful are their nests made of lace?
Hope your having a great time in your new job sounds like your in your element!
Michala x
You are adorable!
lovely - lovely birds, lovely postcards, all so gorgeous. Moo are my favourite - ever! this is such an inspirational post!
Your work is so cute!Hope your all doing well.Lucky you.
Oh such lovely work! Your Bernina is the same as mine...I was fortunate enough to be given it by an old lady who hadn't used it for years. Still have the original instruction book and case, and it only needed a service. They're such wonderful solid machines.
Happy stitching!
ps Moo does it again...lovely cards!
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