I wanted to tell you about my weekend in London with my eldest daughter Lucy, whom you may remember moved London last September. We look like a couple of numpties here!
When Lucy met me at Victoria we headed for Sloane Square and passed a group of the most stunning Antique Shops and this Florist. I could have stayed all day just drooling over the fabulous displays.
Onto Sloane Square....'must do' visit to vvrouleaux, ribbon heaven (but dreadfully boring web site).
and next door but one.... basiaZarzycka..... drool.
Underground at Baker Street, they don't make 'em like that anymore.
Grafitti.....I know it can be a terrible eye sore and the ruin of many properties, but I do have a sneaking regard for the artistic merit ........ look how popular banksy is!
The rest of the day was spent down the Kings Road, eating, drinking coffee and window shopping.
Sunday, bit of a trek but headed to columbiaroadflowermarket. Oh words can't describe how much I enjoyed being here. The vibrancy of the flowers, vendors and the location was so wonderful. Above the heads.......
A little lane off the Road led to a small area selling Antiques.
Just a taster of some the mix of flowers.
I happened to look up and saw paper cutting artist robryan shop, his blog, really enjoyed looking around this small gallery shop with the most perfectly gorgeous hand papercut in the window.
10,000 mile jaunt back to Liverpool Street Station and a Gherkin appeared!!!
Lucy and I had a great weekend together, I suppose all the more special because I obviously don't get to see her as much as I would like to .................. (like every day)!!!~0~
Last but not by any means least, I wanted to say a big thank you to margaret of Alice and Camilla. She very kindly offered and sent me a most wonderful parcel, full of beautiful book papers, lace, a tin rabbit to hang and all sorts of lovely things. I can't believe just how generous my bloggy friends are, thank you so much Margaret, I truly appreciate your kindness.
And with that I will sign out and thank you very much for stopping by.x
What a wonderful sounding weekend - no wonder you enjoyed yourself.
Well you certainly cram a lot in!!
Did I spot your lovely vintage coat?
Glad you didn't get wet this time!
that looked like a wonderful trip...daughters are great....I love shopping and sharing with my litle blessing...I would love to have gone to all those lovely shops....have a good week...love and hugs H
I must visit that ribbon shop next time I'm in London,I have never been there before.
Looks like you had a great time.x
Glad you made it to Columbia Road!
Ahhh glad to hear you had a lovely weekend with your daughter, it does give me hope when grown up ones still want to spend time with their mums! Looks like you saw a lot in London, I'm hoping to get to one of the Country Living fairs this year but we'll see how it goes.
Mel xxx
lt sounds and looks like you had a lovely weekend, on my home ground!l was at columbia rd on sunday as well!and went on to spital fields, a shorter walk than liverpool street!have you been there?l also had a lovely trip on friday to oxford st where l managed to pop into the "Button Queen" before they move shop across the street..button heaven.especially shared with a daughter, will post when the computer returns!
Me again..thought ld just say that the Button Queen is at 19 Marylebone lane ( moving to 76,just over the road from 23rd march)and ALSO there is a V V Rouleaux ribbon shop further down the road at no 102 just incase anyone else is planning a trip to London! l dont want you walking your feet off!
I was just in London for my first time. I had a blast. 5 days was just not long enough to see and do everything
What a great time with your daughter. I loved seeing where you went. Love the toaster stencil. The paper cutting. Cant wait to look that up. Is it spring time in London? Wish I was there.
What a wonderful weekend away, I could feel myself drooling as I was scrolling down! I might just be booking that flight afterall! The flower market looks superb, fantastic atmosphere, love the architecture and is that a grass covered car I can see in the graffiti pic?? brilliant!
cluckingabout ~ can you e mail me please. For some reason I can't leave comments on your blog.
I enjoyed your London trip post, made me want to go myself soon as I've not been for ages.
So gald you had such a nice visit with your beautiful daughter! Thanks so much for the tour. I just LOVE when you post your excursions. Do you know how jealous I am?? That paper cut is AMAZING and the FLOWERS! WOW! Thanks for sharing. xo Amy
PS CAn't wait to see YOUR curiosity corner!:)
oh I am so longing to spend some time with my darling girl who is also in London - this looks like a wonderful weekend - are your feet sore!! I think I may have to get into training for all the places Martha wants to take me!
Hi Viv
As always I love reading about your treks about town. Since a visit to the UK is my dream vacation, maybe in another lifetime, but at least I get an arm chair visit via your blog. And of course, your artwork makes the visit even that much more satisfying.
I loved hearing about your weekend. Thanks for sharing...great pictures, too. And isn't Margaret just one of the best people around!!! And what was up with that car covered in grass?
Ah my old home tarn...(well just outside, but it counts!)...penny for penny, pand for pand, Lahdan tarn is the best arand! ;0)
Grass covered car...Allo John got a new MOWtor? x;0)
Oh I loved seeing your trip in pictures. That toaster graffiti is wonderful! Oh but Basia Zarzycka's shop - delicious. Nice to put a face to the blog too! I see no numpties, just two ladies having a lovely day. Emma x
Sounds like the perfect trip. You must miss your daughter very much... I think I will melt when mine goes off to London next fall... that's a very big ocean for me to swim. xo
What fun to have a daughter in London! We were visiting my brother a few Christmases ago and he took us to Columbia Market. It was amazing, full of amaryllis by the stem, holly bunches, mistletoe. It was very chilly and we ended up at the end of the road at a divine tea spot, with lovely scones. London is a such a wonderful city. Did you stumble into Liberty or Paperchase?
what a lovely description..I feel as if I was there with you, thanks.
(Whats haooened to your lovely buttony hearty background?)
Hi Viv,
What a great weekend - makes me wish I had a daughter to share those things with (I do have a beatiful son though)
Not sure if you´ll see my comment on my page, so here it comes again:
Thank you! We actually imported it from Cornwall because we did not like the Danish ones ;-)
And about the coffee - Tracy said you might come and visit them and she lives just around the corner, so let´s see ;-)
You sound as though you had a great weekend Viv, I've just got back from spending a week with my mum & we had a great time too!
x Caz x
Now this is what I call a weekend in heaven! Wish I could be there too!
What a lovely weekend you had - the photos give us a nice glimpse into another world so far away
Carolyn :o)
that looks like a wonderful trip...i hope you had a lovely visit with your daughter!!!
Hi Susie, thanks so much for the SuperBuzzy link! I ordered some stuff from them a while ago, but I'd forgotten about them, and they've got all sorts of cute new stuff!
I've never seen your work before-you do some really cute stuff!
Hi Viv, just wanted to let you know I have tagged you for the unique and chic award over on my blog! :)
Sophie x
hi I have just popped over from Sophie's blog (her library adventures) and so glad I did I LOVE your blog it's gorgeous, and your blog header is divine!!!!
sometimes you just neeeed the city! x
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