'How far that little candle throws his beams! So shines a good deed in a naughty world' .~William Shakespeare, Merchant of Venice.
Below is a picture of our ten year old Bichon ~ Daisy ~ she has been totally lost without Rosie. We have given her lots of time and attention though and because she has 'poodle' fur, Daisy has to go to the 'poodle parlour' every now and again. This is a before...
Holly has been to Paris for a few days with a College trip, which has thankfully cheered her a little. The sweet child thought of her old Mum, whilst in Paris and found 'Laduree' and purchased these stunning macaroons for me. The box is good enough to eat too. A blissfully beautiful and kind gift, I'm sure you will agree.
Onto all things handmade...I have been very busy over the last few days and have made...
an embellished envelope. The stamps applied to this vintage envelope are so softly coloured, just beautiful. The inside of the envelope is a faded, blue zig zag pattern, so I took the back of the envelope off and used little pieces as the base of the collage.
Lots of texture...
Oh, this has just sold. x

This little darling tin has sold but it is so cute I thought I would show you. It held corn caps...nice!
Forgive me for stating the obvious here but...
This little darling tin has sold but it is so cute I thought I would show you. It held corn caps...nice!
Tin open...

Tin closed...
Tin closed...
Opened out...
When I visited France last year, I purchased a few very old tea towels or should I say Torchon. They have that washed worn feel of the softest cotton. The one towel has the most stunning, delicate darning, so I turned it into a Dorothy Bag, as one does!
Here we go,
I wanted to draw your attention to some of the fabulous Fairs, where I will be having a stand.
A week on Saturday, Rag Fair stroudinternationaltextiles at Stroud. If you like bargains of the vintage haberdashery and sewing kind, this is your Fair.
I look forward so much to all the Fairs I have booked, particularly the Fair that seems to have started the trend of vintage/handmade fairs, the creme de la creme vintageandhandmade
1st May at Chipping Sodbury. But before then, I will be attending the lovely homespun fair at Portscatho, Cornwall, April 5th. Please see my sidebar for more details.
Once again, how can I thank you? I don't know what I would do without my bloggy friends.
Thanks for stopping by. x