I don't know about you but I have a house full of stuff! It is getting just everso slightly past a joke and I have decided to try and sell a few things on. The loft is packed to dangerous proportions! There is Quentin Crisp dust depth, on the stuff, as there is too much stuff to dust. I have to admit too, that there is an awful lot of stuff, I don't 'see' any longer and I think I should move a few things on. For example ~This is the front cover of a vintage children's book that I had forgotten I owned. Isn't the illustration lovely? Going to pop it on ebay soon....
On my eBay at the moment, is this old costume doll I purchased in Vienna last December. Lovely, lovely doll but she has to find a new crib...I am so down with the..... erm, .....erm young people's language!
I never have any success with ebay. Whenever I want something, I always seem to be outbid and whenever I sell anything, zippo, zilch, not a sniff of a bid!The postage is always a stress too. I always seem to pay too much if buying... so in the words of my fav and much missed D.J. old Terry Wogan.....'Is it me?' (Chris Evan's doing a fine job though...'The Candy Man' has been going round my brain all day). (BBC Radio 2)
Dolly sold :-)
Onto the launch of a very special website, built by my little sister .....YAH!!!!!! She is a brilliant paper cut artist and transforms tatty, old vintage books into these works of art and all sorts of other beauties. Go take a look if you can, she would be so pleased! deckled-edged Go Sis go! YAH!!!!!!
Then onto yours truly ~ Here are a couple of pieces I have been working on over the last few days. The envelopes that these have been worked on, are very special. Dated 1946 with beautiful text...everything here, buttons, fabrics, photos etc. are original and rare. Both are over in Etsyland.

And finally, my mate, the wonderful mimiloveforever and I decided to do a swoparoonie! I just told Karen that I love Budgies and left her with a free reign and look what she came up with! She has included everything I love here, Pinocchio, chucks, Jessie's diets from the Fast Show. If you can, pop over and read her post about our swop...it's a scream! Also, remember, if you have a fav pet that could do with the Mimilove treatment, she works to commission. Oh yes she does. Thank you Karen, I really love my big Jessie x
Thanks so much for stopping by. x