What a surprise it has been that the sky has decided to dump a foot or so of snow on the UK. I hope it isn't hampering your life too much.
Over the last week or two I have been working on a new idea. Keepsake Boxes. Three in total, a Keepsake, a Baby Keepsake and a Wedding Keepsake Box.
All three boxes would have original artwork, but I am hoping to stay with the same kind of format for each type.
Here we have a 'Keepsake Box'. The box is strong ivory coloured card and has an invisible magnet inside to close. Organza pretty ribbon to close too.

I would be very grateful for your thoughts.
So all three have been freshly popped over into Etsyland along with the embroidered piece below.

Thank you very much for stopping by. x
Those keepsake boxes are so pretty, they are beautiful! Keep up the good work. Love the new header too. Wishing you a wonderful New Year
All things nice...
If someone gave me one of these keepsake boxes I'd be over the moon! They are beautiful! I love your mixture of embroidery and fabrics and papers, totally dreamy. And because I would love one of your brooches - I don't make resolutions (mainly because if I feel I have to do something I will do everything within my power NOT to), but this year I want to just focus on the good and stop worrying about little things that don't matter (which is probably most things). Happy New Year to you! Just popping over to Etsy...
The keepsake boxes are gorgeous.
Hmmm, New Year's resolutions, nope, don't do them anymore, because I could never stick to them. I just promised myself that I would try and learn a new craft each month, starting with wet felting this month.
well thats a tough one...I think a resolution for me needs to involve eating much more healthy..as I generally eat 'beige' food!
so heres to a healthy 2010
Sam xxx
PS I would love to win your broach !
those keepsake boxes are just fabulous - i have just been rereading your article in CPS - your brooches are lovely i had hoped for some Christmas money to buy one but none was forthcoming !!!! - my new year resolution is to achieve more than i did in 20091 - who says you have more time in retirement!!!
Those boxes are brilliant, especially as I have a christening in March and my daughter's wedding in July. Keep up the good work. Like others, I don't do new year's resolutions, as I'll only get depressed when I don't keep them. I have decided to set myself a series of challenges each month instead, something to inspire and motivate me will work much better I think.
.....a truly delightful & original gift idea...I also think a Birthday box would be lovely to do as comissions,especially for older family members-using old family snaps etc...
...as for resolutions,I blame the weather,for 1-keeping the kids off school & me from starting new stitching projects!2-for making me bake cakes,just to keep warm!Lets hope its sunny tomorrow!Shevie
Your boxes are beautiful. I have 2 projects for this year(not keen on the word resolution!) - one is to take a photo a day (project 365) and the other is to follow the mantra of my recently puchased necklace - get excited and make things. I'm a firm believer in resolutions which are fun to keep!
i've been lurking for a while now! love your work - oh yes new year resolutions - hate 'em!!!!!!
What a clever idea,I'm sure they will be a hit! I love stopping by and seeing what you are up to.
Hope you are well
What a beautiful idea - I always keep the childrens baby bits and bobs in old shoe boxes, but I love your keepsake boxes.
My new year resolution is optimism, staying positive and mainly 'to enjoy!'
Happy New Year,
Nina xxx
Those boxes are truly delightful and would make the perfect gift. My resolutions are to keep smiling when I'm dealing with a "difficult" customer! and,to do something "crafty" each week. I'd love to win one of your brooches, thank you Lucey xx
love love love the boxes!! absolutely gorgeous, as is everything you set your hand to! hope the new year has been good to you so far...as for resolutions...not so much for me, but i have adopted ali's word of the year idea this year and have chosen the word believe for mine. i'll let ya know how it goes...so far the word itself has cropped up in 3 unexpected places, but as a practice...easier said than done. but that's kind of the point, i guess! :~)
Everything looks lovely as usual! Such a cute little brooch!
Instead of making resolutions, I put up a List of Demands for 2010! I think it's about time a year did what I told it to do.
my list of demands for 2010 to obey
Superb Viv, very classy and a wonderful gift for a loved one. You really have started 2010 rather well!!
As for resolutions, well this year I didn't bother, I have however started a diet and exercise plan but I'm not making myself any promises!
I'm looking forward to another year of your beautiful work! Mx
Your boxes are beautiful ! What a lovely idea. I have made no resolutions i'm afraid, well i have some in my head but if i don,t tell anyone then nobody knows if i managed them or not!!! x x
Your keepsake boxes are great! And your little giveaway is cute as a button! I'd be thrilled if I won one! I did a resolution 'phrase' last year - 'live guilt free', - learning to say "NO!" to requests of my time that I really did not want to do. I think I was successful and will continue this year saying 'no' at the right time. But if you read my blog, you will see I did also say 'yes' lots!
Your blog is such a happy place!
Hello, happy new year to you. Your keepsake boxes are really beautiful, and I'm sure will be treasured by their new owners.
I no longer make resolutions, but I am striving to put more of my creative ideas into action this year.
Bertie x
Lovely, loveliness as always! Tremendous eye candy for a wintery evening.
I have'nt really made any resolutions - I always break them!
Vicky x
Love your collage boxes,they are wonderful. As to my goal for 2010 I've made a baby step and that was a couple of phone calls. Now we will see if I carry on. My goal was to "give back".
A lovely idea, so pretty too! And as for new year's resolutions...I've made one so far: not to put any more coffee grounds down the plug hole!
Beautiful boxes. Love the brooch! I never make resolutions any more... I'm just always TRYING to be better! ha!
Love the keepsake boxes Viv, Hope the snow isn't causing too much chaos, shall send you some sunny weather from Downunder. Heading for 41 deg. on the weekend arrgh!
My resolution which I make and keep every year is - not to make any resolutions! But I am going to try and be more organised and productive in 2010
That first box is my favourite, I don't make resolutions either, well not out loud!
Your work as usual, is gorgeous! And I would love to win one of your very cute brooches!!
Keeping fingers crossed...
:) Carole
Adorable creations! I just came across from Loveology blog and I'm so glad I found you!
I'm following you now :)
This is my blog in case you wish to visit me:
Those boxes are stunning, absolutely adorable!
I don't really do new years resolutions but my plan for this year is to be a bit more healthy, eating better and exercising more.
Micki x
Love the idea of the keepsake boxes. Resolutions... a tricky one but I would like to keep my workroom as tidy as it is at the moment!
Hi Viv,
Happy New Year.
Only 6 weeks until I'm back in blighty!
Love the keepsake boxes, really nice idea.
My new years resolutions are the usual, 'richer and thinner'!! lol, to be happy again as the past couple of years have not been great :( and to get better at marketing my work.
T xxxxxxxxx
I decorated white boxes at christmas, i covered the tops with sraps of old paper and shreds of lace and glitter, all manner of stuff, i was only playing, but have sold them all, yours are lovely good luck S x
I am new to your blog but I am enjoying it immensely. How very inspiring and a lovely, jolly, friendly place to visit. My NYR is to drink more water but all I have managed to do so far is leave untouched glasses of water all over the house! Keep up the lovely work Viv! xXx
..Im so happy I found your blog..you making so beautiful things..I love creativity - its my possion..
What super ideas Viv! I love the baby one the best, its so difficult finding one thats not bright pink or blue!As for new years resolutions...mine is not to have one!They always change during the year anyway!!xx
Hi, your work is lovely, what caught my eye were the pieces with Evesham on them, I am Evesham born and live in a tiny village about 1.5 miles from the town.
If you don't know it was a great market gardening area and the centre of growing for asparagus or "gras" to the locals. Right on the edge of the Cotswolds and close to the Malverns, we live in a kind of basin, which must be good for growing.
Not today though as we have about 6 inches of snow on the ground!
New years reso - I have started to loose weight, but also to try and live each day to the fullest, as we are here only once!
The keepsake boxes are stunning. Perfect for keeping those treasures in from special times.
NY resolution is to be calmer and do more things, make the most of life!
Lisa x
I love the boxes.
You are very clever, the boxes are stunning and beautiful and dreamy all at the same time.
Well done you! Im once more inspired by you! :)
Julia xxx
Your keepsake boxes are so lovely! I don't know if I have made any "resolutions", but I hope to appreciate what I have more, continue to learn new things, be more mindful of my health, and be more aware of the needs of people around me.
You clever sausage Viv.. your new keepsake boxes are very special and are perfect for holding special memories and mementos..
Happy New Year my dear..
The boxes are gorgeous. What a great idea and wonderful designs.
You know, I DID make a NY resolution, but I can't remember what it was! xx
These look exquisite.
They are definitely something I would see people giving and using on such momentous and special occasions. To keep hold of all those memories in for years to come; perfect as gifts on their own or to contain that special gift.
I have made myself several new years res's and feel maybe if I was to write them down I may do better at fulfilling/keeping them! One is to list items in my online shop(s) regularly, and am proud to say I've done that this week!!
Hope you are well and keeping warm. I'll be posting my giveaway soon too ;0 x
These are beautiful!
Just to keep being happy and live for the day x
Beautiful keepsake boxes Viv, brilliant idea, just the job I say.
Gorgeous new collage too, it just keeps coming, you are V. clever, have I ever mentioned that? tee hee,
Sarah x
...i love your boxes viv...my new years resolution is to meet you and to be a half full girl...love H
The new boxes are a lovely idea & sure to be treasured.
I haven't made any resolutions - am I bad?
I'd love one of your chicky brooches so please do enter me into your giveaway!
Love, love, love your keepsake boxes. They're keepsakes in themselves. So special. I didn't make any new year's resolutions this year as I never stick to them and have decided to just see what 2010 brings my way. I'd love to win your gorgeous brooch...do pop me into the mix! Hope the snow's not causing you too many problems. It's so cold outside I can't face building a snowman! Katie x
What a lovely idea for your memories!
Lovely idea Viv - and the embroidered piece is beautiful. Bye for now. Lesley
Love the keepsake boxes...a wonderful gift. I have made lots of goals that i want to achieve this year. The main one is to be more organised (its harder than i thought)
Hi, I'm new to all this so I hope this works!! Your boxes are lovely...true treasures to enjoy and inspire for years to come.
My new years resolution? to find the courage to start my own business and stop looking for reasons not to. :)
I think the keepsake boxes are a wonderful idea. I would love to win one of your brooches and my New Years resolution is generally speaking the same one as always - spend more time on projects that I want to do and less on boring stuff like housework however this year I am refining this to be - produce a textile design based on one of your ideas from your photos from Spain.
Happy New Year.
No New Year's Resolutions I'm afraid, but I just wanted to let you know that Han loved the brooch which I kept safely from the HomeSpun fair until Father Christmas took it over!!!! Love the baby keepsake box. Will be in touch!
Your WA is a day before ours, although the year is different.
Sue xx
love the boxes - i'd be so pleased if someone bought me one :0)
hmmmmm . . my resolution is to spend less time online and more time crafting and house-wifing and mothering. Hope i'll keep 'em up :0)
Good grief, 55 comments! and I just wanted to say how absolutely gorgeous your boxes are. I've done books for people to write in at christenings buts if you don't send them round to everyone on the day its a bit of a waste. A box is a great idea so things can be collected later.
love those boxes!
my main new year's resolution is to have less chaos in my life - so more in control of money, things and commitments. which in crafty terms means following my own path and not feeling inferior to or overwhelmed by other people.
keep warm :)
A Happy, Happy New Year Viv. Oh, LOVE the new keepsake boxes. I think they are a great idea. You are the queen of collage stichery.:)xxxooo
Love your pretties. I don't usually make resolutions, but last year and this year have been the same--to clean out the original craft room. When my babies left the nest I took over one of the bedrooms and then I took over the family room. The family room craft stuff is reasonably well organized and handy, the original craft room is woefully neglected and tough to maneuver in. :(
The boxes are exquisite, really beautiful. Wish I could do work like that!
I'd love to win your little brooch and as for resolutions... no, no point making them, they never last! I was going to resolve to be more creative with my cooking (ie new ingredients and not same old) but I've modified that by telling myself I will try to cook something "different" at weekends. Well it's worth a try!
Keep up the lovely work..
Hi Viv, I could almost not leave a comment on this post as I am so green with envy at your talent!!!! These are so beautiful, no wonder you have so many comments!!! Happy New Year, hope to see you soon, Jane xxxxx
These boxes are lovely, as is the brooch in the giveaway which I would like to win. I don't really make resolutions as they're only there to be broken but I always SAY I'm not going to start something new till all the WIPs are done - and fail ....
adorable little broche. Very inspiring blog you have. One my many new years resolution, but one I am sure I will fullfill is to explore my creativity. Have started crochet and will start painting as well again. Seeing what you are making..giving me ideas as well. Love it!!
I adore the keepsake boxes. How very creative! If I have a resolution it is to spend more time with friends and family! So important. Happy New Year to you! Jamie V in MT
The boxes are really works of art. Lovely!
I have come back, as your question about NYR's set me thinking, as I stood outside today, trying to make up my mind whether to turn the horses out or not, that really I must stop DITHERING, so that is my first NYR for this year, but the second one is to stop INTERRUPTING people, it's a dreadful habit. I need to do a blog post about this, I think, so thanks for the inspiration!
I'm sure those boxes were the perfect gift for a special someone! to think that they try to replicate them at stores...
Your embroidery is endlessly gorgeous and I love your new header too. I am tired of the snow now, I have done the walks and taken the photos and now I want it to go..haha. Today we have a bitterly cold north wind so I am staying in doors to draw. Hope you had a great New Year and I look forward to lots more loveliness in 2010.
Those keepsake boxes are absolutely beautiful, I am off to Etsy to go and take a good long look at your shop! I never make new years resolutions as I can never keep to them, I just try to start the year with a positive outlook (which with 3 beautiful children) is not hard to do :)
Happy New year!
LOVE your blog
LOVE the brooch
happy new year
Beautiful blog. :)
Wow, all these pieces are stunning :-) Well done for not lazing about over the festive period like I have! I ought to get motivated to do my Textiles work :S haha!
New Years Resolution - Marry George Lamb! haha I wish!! Maybe my NYR should be "Do Textiles Work"
Laura x
Oh Viv - your boxes are absoluely darling! So very special! The box itself is a keepsake and an heirloom, never mind the treasures kept inside!
You've had so many comments on your giveaway and rightly so! Your work is always lovely xx
Lots of new year's resolutions, lots of new stitching, art and photography projects, resolutions to FINISH the cottage, have more balance in my life, lose weight etc. Doing well so far! Next year, my resolution will be to finish all the things I don't finish this year!
Hope you are well and enjoying the snow. Keep warm and snuggly! We had hardly any snow but it's perishing cold
Carolyn xx
One thing that means the world to me,
is to keep up the good mood!
I admire your work so much!
I just stumbled upon your blog~such lovely work you do :)
Hi Viv! Your new boxes are so Wonderful. Really. I quite Love them.
And resolutions? I rarely make them, but this year I'm trying to pare down, give away, edit and generally make life more streamlined filled with less "stuff". Wish me luck because at heart I am really a packrat...
oh, and your little brooches are swoonable :)
Such wonderful pieces! Came here by way of Lawendula and I am glad I did!
I love the brooches. Not into resolutions - just trying each day to use my time wisely and well.
The Keepsake boxes are beautiful
Hey dont make new year resolutions nothing to resolve I do it all Ha Ha. Love your blog.
Have never visited your blog before, and love those keepsake boxes!!They're gorgeous!!
Would love to join in on your giveaway too. You are welcome to join in on my giveaway too. I will be picking a name from the hat on Wednesday evening.
Sharon xx
these are GORGEOUS! I would love an 'artists keep sake box' for all those bits I collect and need to have near me to refer back to!
I have recently been buying/swapping some little books and would love a pretty box to collect all the handmade books/pieces in . . . . .
Honoured to be on your blog roll - thank you.
Hope I'm not too late.
I'm rubbish at resolutions but I'm going to try not to daydream and be more organized!
Beautiful boxes.x
Viv the keepsake boxes are an absolutely wonderful idea - they've turned out beautifully -I'm certain they won't last long in etsyland.
Now for my resolutions. Hmm:
1) Meet up with non-local friends more - having tots makes it trickier, it happens less so I need to make it happen,
2) Procrastinate less. This is a perennial one. I made a fiarly good start with the very dull tax return last night. I rewarded myself with wine!
3) Approach THAT shop (the one I've always loved) in Cambridge with a small collection of jewellery. This one is VERY scary indeed!
I need a fair amount of luck with these!
I hope it's OK to be popped in the hat - my chances are teeny - look at all these comments! Blimey! Not surprising though x
Absolutely wonderful, beautiful!!!
Loving the keepsake boxes for sure! I wrote a little post about my new years aspirations as I call them. won't bore you here, but you can always read about them, heehee. your new blog header is pretty too, maybe I haven't been by in a while? so if we ever get around to swapping, I will send you some bits of vintage wallpaper like the ones in the hearts I did.
just love all your work...so much character shines through. my resolution is to live in the moment...easier said than done. happy 2010.
Wow Viv
These are delightful. You should do well with them.
A lovely idea. x
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