It's been a busy old week.
Wednesday, College trip to Liverpool with two coach loads of 16/17 year olds. Visited the Tate at Albert Docks and then went onto Crosby Beach, to see the Antony Gormley 'Another Place'. The students really enjoyed the day and so did I, as visiting this place was high on my list of 'must do's'.
I am also fortunate enough to have a husband that has arranged a surprise trip to Vienna to celebrate the big I will be off the scene for a week.
There will be much eating of cake and drinking of wine and enjoying Christmassy Vienna.

I hope your festive preparations are going well and I shall look forward to catching up with everyone in a week or so.
Thankyou for stopping by. x
I have visited Albert Dock years ago as my parents use to live in Liverpool when they first got married. Your stand at the fair looked lovely :) Happy Birthday to you, hope you have a brillant time in Vienna- which I'm sure you will.
All things nice...
Hope you have a lovely birthday Viv, enjoy Vienna.
Angela x
I used to dread turning 50. I thought the 50s were the teenage years of older life - you're not young, but you're not old. Between. Awkward.
I'm 51 now, and turning 50 was actually awesome. Maybe that's true because people are always shocked to hear my age; if I looked older and no one had a reaction, I might not like it so much. :) Instead I get "50?! You're kidding me!"
Here's how I finally thought about it. Everything still works - an ache here, memory a little wonky now and then, but that's it. And in 10 years I'll look back and think 50 was so young and I looked so I decided to feel that way about it now, instead of only in retrospect.
Happy birthday! 50 is great, and crossing that line in Vienna will be just wonderful.
Have a fantastic time in Vienna,don't think about your age,that's what I decided to do when I turned 50,just enjoy yourself.
Sue x
Happy birthday Viv, have a wonderful, a wonderful birthday, wonderful everything! xx
a wonderful magical time in Vienna, that should have read! Blogger ate my words ...
Happy Birthday dear Viv!
Being creative you will always stay young!
Have a wonderful time in Vienna, Viv. Happy Happy Birthday!
Happy early birthday. I know the 40's where hard to say goodbye to. But my 50's have been the best years of my life so far. It sounds like you will be bringing them in with style-enjoy!
Ooooo what better place than Vienna to celebrate your coming of age(s) enjoy enjoy and don't forget to come back!! Mx
Hope you have a great birthday!
Forget the number...just act your shoe size!!
Have fun ;-)
Have a very happy 50th birthday and enjoy vienna . . . I'm only weeks away from my 50th and feel a bit sick about it but now cheered up by reading the lovely comments others, who are there before us , have left
A surprise trip to Vienna? How fantastic is that? I'm not expecting anything like that next February when I cross over to the 50s. I'm dreading it too, but having read the other comments on this post, I'm encouraged, aren't you?
Love the look of your stall. I'd really like a closer look.
Have a great time in Vienna and
Welcome to the fifties! You will like 'um!
I lived in Liverpool for a year and had my son there too, fond memories :)
A trip to Vienna would be wonderful about now, lucky you!
Hope you have a lovely time and happy turning 50!!
Micki x
Have a fantabulous birthday!!!! enjoy your trip to Vienna.
Gorgeous stall and beautiful work as always ;0 x
It comes to us all I'm afraid,but hey it's only 50 and thats not old at all lol. Have a lovely birthday and a wonderful time in Vienna, and do take lots of piccies to show us when you get back. Lucey
have a great birthday and a great trip to Vienna x
ps: i hope your blog is really snowing - if not i have a major issue with my eyesight!
Have a wonderful trip - don't look back, just forward and enjoy - truly, it gets better and better. I'm aiming for 80, at least.
Have a wonderful time, and congratulations Viv!
Sue x
Happy birthday, my dear friend! Enjoy your celebration in Vienna! (Be sure to share lots of pictures!)
Viv, have a great time in Vienna for your milestone birthday - what a lovely way to mark the occasion! Lesley
PS You don't look 50 :)
My fifties were absolutely lovely. I got two grandchildren, my health was good and I did not have to work unless I wanted to which I did for the whole decade. Now I'm starting my sixties and so far it's looking pretty good. Enjoy your fifties. It is not the end of the world. In fact you will feel freer than you ever have in your life. As long as you have your health life is good.
Have a wonderful 50th and enjoy yourself in Vienna.
Let me know how turning 50 goes, I'm doing it too in April next year....eek!!
Sue xx
Enjoy your birthday!!! Eat, drink and be happy in Vienna.
Have a wonderful birthday sweetie...and a fantastic and hugs H... I thought this was a saucy post at first with pictures of some chap you saw in the nuddy at the beach eyes are going you know..
Hi Viv
What a fantastic hubby you have! - Speaking of which I thought the first photo was a piccy of Mr Hens Teeth himself!!
Have a lovely time in Vienna -
Lots of Love
PS This is the first time I've recognised the lyrics - what does that say about me - well probably that I used to have a big soft spot for Cliff! x
I do like those sculptures, and Im glad you enjoyed them too! Lucky you going to Vienna, I imagine at this time of year it is especially beautiful!
Much love and sparkly happy birthday wishes to you
Julia xxx
Have a wonderful birthday Viv... I promise, 50 isn't all bad (especially when you're 52!)and have a fabulous trip to Vienna. I love my little mouse brooch by the way... sorry I haven't got around to letting you know before now.
Have a wonderful birthday! I, too, will be turning 50 soon... (January 9th) and I'm looking forward to it! Cheers to you! Jamie V in MT
Happy Birthday! My younger sister turned 50 a couple of weeks ago. You would think she was 90!! The alternative is not good.... Celebrate!
What a wonderful blog, I will drop by often!
Hi, have a lovely birthday & enjoy your trip.
It is an ambition of mine to see the Gormley figures, but haven't got there yet, I'm sure it was great, even better with the teenagers ???!!!
Have a wonderful birthday and trip to Vienna.
Love the work you're doing at the moment with the birdies and mice. Can't say I've seen anything I didn't think wow about here really.
Enjoy being 50 and have a wonderful time in Vienna.
Lisa x
50 Viv? Never!! Happy birthday.
Have the best time in Vienna, my Christians been twice and says its amazing, so on my wish list.
If you fancy another trip in the spring, we're moving to Brighton in February, you'd be very welcome.
I will of course, pop by when I'm up at my Mums. xx
Wow - lots going on, but sounding exciting!
Must get to Tate Liverpool, never been there.
Hope you enjoy your trip . . . . .
Enjoy Vienna - wish I'd known you were coming to Crosby and Liverpool - next time come and visit the Anglican Cathedral - I'll take you on a tour - lots of fabulous sketching chances
amazing!!!! what a sight on the beach! i am not familiar with that so i appreciate the post! and happy birthday
loved the statue staring out to sea, can't wait to hear about Vienna and maybe there will be pastry talk?
Crosby beach is high up on my list of places to go. I love Gormley's work. Hey and 50 isn't so bad - I'm 50 and 49 weeks - and was dreading it this time last year but this has been the year of the blog for me and for that I'm grateful!
love your work love your blog Stephne
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