firstly, thank you so much to everyone that has visited my blog and kindly left a comment. I have been very fortunate to have been in receipt of many kind comments and lots of advice. All of which I have been very grateful to receive. Thank you so much.
Unfortunately things haven't improved much on the health side of things. Being off work sick is very stressful and now I am unable to sew, amongst many other things! Ugh!!!
Anyway, it's not all gloom and doom around here. I wanted to show you some lovely purchases I made recently....
This darling little beaded evening bag, all of three inches across. It's hard to explain just how gorgeous it is!
An heirloom, I believe. They were very expensive, but how could I say no to a once in a lifetime opportunity to own such rare and lovely pieces of fabric. How can so many little pieces of fabic bring so much happiness???
Just a few of them...
ooooh i love Liberty fabric ~ what a beautiful treasure you have! xx
Hope things improve for you soon, {{hug}}xx
I'm so envious of your Liberty sample collection! They're absolutely gorgeous! How big are they? I'd be tempted to make lavender bags with them, I think.
Swoon. Feeling a bit dizzy here. What a stash you lucky girlie. Ax
What a great find! I'm glad you have them, not only should they be looked after carfully, but also not be locked away and forgotten, but be loved and looked at often. x
Hoping things improve for you soon healthwise. Those Liberty farics look as though they would be worth every penny.
I did my disertation many years ago on Liberty. I went to the V&A to photograph some of their fabrics they have there. It was lovely to be reminded about them!
Oh Viv those little samples have definitely found their rightful home,how beautiful they are-imagine the frocks-sigh! I am very sorry to hear you have been unable to sew-so glad you are able to find joy in the little things,it helps! The teeny bag is a delight and I have the blue shoes in pink! Take care,Shevie x
The fabrics are soo exquisite. You are lucky to have them. They just say 'liberty' don't they? S sorry you can't sew at the moment.
Oh my goodness~~I love Liberty of London!!! I may have already told you this, but I stocked up when I was in London in 1987. Also, I have a Liberty catalog from 1937 that was my mom's when she was there :~) Your swatches are SUCH a treasure!!!
Also, I understand about health problems~~mine really keep me from doing much of what I need and want to do :~( Hugs to you :~)
OMG Viv that stash of fabric is to die for, i'm so jealous!!! Glad you've reached a happy medium with your shop and am so sorry to hear of your health problems, thinking of you. hope to see you soon.
Oh, Viv, what a windfall to treasure! I am so pleased something has brought some light into your life. I would just sit there and leaf through them. For hours. Ah, sweetness. Enjoy them! J x
Viv, ooohh that fabric. Historic, isn't it? I've never even seen most of those you have.
The purse is the sweetest little thing......
glad you felt up to blogging!
Beautiful bag and booties Viv.....
The Liberty samples are a great acquisition too.... they will lift your spirits just looking at them.
Julie x
Ooooo you are lucky! Please show us how you're going to store & display these. I'm afraid I'd be tempted to stitch them up. Thank goodness for people who collect and hold onto things like these!
Wow, those fabric samples are fantastic - they really are a piece of history!
And I'm so sorry that you aren't able to sew at the moment - how annoying for you, but so good to see that you are finding joy in other things - that is so important. And thank you for managing to blog!
Gorgeous x
firstly get well wishes x
How truly lovely are the Liberty samples of gorrrrgeous fabric! lovely to keep and treasure!
love the booties! sweet x
What a rare and wonderful find and couldn't have gone to a better home.
Re your previous blog post.. I am a firm believer that adversity brings hidden rewards and despite your sorry pains.. they haven't prevented you from creating such beautiful things. Every cloud....
I do hope you get some relief soon Viv..
Much love
luckeeeeeeeee!!! you find such amazing things, and they also find their way to amazing you.
i read your post some time back about fibromyalgia (i know that isn't the correct spelling, i've tried three times and can't come up with the right one) and can completely feel your pain; i suffer from it as well, and become extremely frustrated with the limits it places on my handiwork (which is my full time career, here at home). there are days when just walking across the floor causes much discomfort. hang in there, xo
Wow.. what a fabulous collection! It would be fascinating to find the name for each patter.. I'm such a fabric geek!
Hope you feel better soon and can get back to sewing!
Tamzin X
Hope you feel better soon. I've recently discovered your blog and I'm slowly working my way through all your old posts. Your work is gorgeous.
Hi Viv,
I recently acquired a silk padded quilt, not all that large, where every other tiny square is a Liberty fabric, and like you I find them so delicious! They will never go out of favour I think, just timeless!
Are you able to sketch to keep those creative juices flowing? Don't lose heart........
x x Christine
Oh my! I'm drooling over your fabric, sweet booties and petite beaded bag. I feel your pain. It's surprising how many artists suffer from fibromyalgia.
What a wonderful collection of Liberty prints. They are wonderful. Sorry to hear about your physical problems causing such difficulty. I hope you will get some relief soon.
perhaps they could be published, I have been trying to find a reference book of Liberty fabrics, you should look into it?!
sorry you are still poorly but hope your new treasures are keeping you going
You lucky, lucky ducky you!! What deep and abiding joy to have an album full of such wonderful fabrics. Sorry to hear you're still feeling crap . . I know how that goes. It does get better, it WILL get better. Sending healing thoughts your way.
How amazing I couldn't have passed up those fabrics either you lucky girl, I think they have found a perfect home with you.
I adore your corsages are there any left? I looked on Etsy so I thnk I have missed the boat.
So sorry to hear that you have been under the weather, I hope you have found some relief, sounds awful. I am thinking about you and sending you ditsy floral happy vibes,
With all love from the Lane,
Sarah x
What a coincidence!
I have the same stash I was given years ago, I'm not sure of their age but I had hundreds.
However, I haven't looked after mine so well, and have merrily incorporated them into all manner of things, chopping hem up wth no regard.I knew they were liberty but that's all.
They are beautiful though,
Sorry you are unwell by the way
Nice selection all so pretty - following your lovely blog now that i found you (how? i do not know blogging along :oD ) kind regards!
Goodness, what treasure in this post. What an amazing collection Viv, and that bag! I am coveting that bag....
I do hope things improve on the health front very soon xxx
So when are you making the quilt viv???? He he :-)
Oh such a gorgeous collection!
I absolutely love your work and the uniqueness of it! It is always a joy to come see what you have been up. Thank you for sharing!
Sweetest regards,
Wonderful collection of Liberty swatches - I am sure you will treausre them and look after them.
Hope you are feeling better soon.
I love this blog, thanks for sharing.
grt, Helmi
I have just discovered your blog, your work is absolutely gorgeous. I wonder if you could answer a question for me, how do you transfer images to fabric?
I hope you get better soon, I am currently laid up having just undergone a reconstruction of the ligament on my ankle, so I have every sympathy for you.
Get well soon Helen x
What a fantastic pleasure looking at your pictures, it's like wandering around a dream. From one piece of beauty to another! I hope you get your mojo back soon, don't rush it - it'll be back when you're ready! Big {{squeeze}} across the WWW! :)
Fabulous work and lots of interest makes a beautiful blog.!
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