Sunday 16 January 2011

You keep saying you've got something for me...

Going quietly bonkers at home, (still not feeling too good), I persuaded the current husband that we should visit birmingham Museum and Art Gallery, as for the remainder of this year they have artefacts on exhibition from the staffordshire hoard. As this incredible find, dating back to 700bc was found just under 10 miles away from where we live, I thought it time we went and had a little look. Quite honestly, I was a little disappointed. In a small room were several cabinets displaying a few of the gold pieces..... shards, of mainly sword hilts, all of which were incredibly detailed and exquisitely worked. I suppose, I should have done my homework, as to what actually is on display. It is good news that the find is staying in the Midlands. The Exhibition is free and constantly changing.
We always enjoy visiting the Museum, as it holds a fine collection of Pre-Raphaelite paintings, see link for the Gallery's online resource.
Wandering and enjoying the paintings, we came across this cabinet, crammed with pairs of shoes from down the ages. I took quite a lot of photos which I wanted to share with you, as I am sure you will agree, the shapes, colours, textures and designs of the shoes are absolutely beautiful.

These in particular were stunning. I think they were made of a very fine linen, exquisitely embroidered.

Each time I look at these...a little song pops into my head... 'I'm the dandy highwayman who you're too scared to mention'. :-)

Every single pair were a delight.
Just managed to take these pics of ancient handpainted the Goldfinch.

I took all my drawing paraphernalia with me, but only managed one or two drawings.
Change of subject...A couple of 'makes' to show you...

This little needle case (free machine embroidered birds, coloured with water colour paint) is winging it's way to the old US of A.
I wonder if you remember this post about a late 1700's quilt I had treated myself to.

I thought you may like to see what we have done with it. The current husband attached one side of the quilt to a baton and hung it to a wall of our living room. I can now admire it's disintegrated, crumbled beauty from the comfort of my sofa.
Talking of 1700's textiles, I urge you to visit katies blog. She has posted about the 'Threads of Feeling' Exhibition at the Foundling Museum, Brunswick Square, London until 6th March. I won't go into detail here, but there is another very good review of the Exhibition here. I am looking forward to visiting very much.
Thank you for stopping by. x


Unknown said...

Have you been peeping in my mothers wardrobe! Imelda Marcos of Worcestershire she is!!

Beautiful photographs, the detail that has gone into making those shoes! Incredible!

Hannah said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hannah said...

The shoes look lovely- definitely worth a visit! Another place you might like to visit is the Fashion Museum in Bath- shelves of shoes like that that are swapped around and the most gorgeous 18th and 19th Century dresses ( - they really are beautiful.

Lovely purse and quilt- keep us updated!



-sorry for deleting previous comment- a few embarrassing spelling errors!!

Bobbie Casey said...

This is a wonderful post. Thank you so much for sharing the photographs of the shoes.. Amazing!
The spirit of your blog is inspiring and I love the quilt on the wall.

Andi's English Attic said...

I'm not a shoe girl (boots are my thing), but I would have difficulty choosing a favourite shoe out of that collection. Wonderful. Thanks for sharing. xx

Sandies' Patch said...

Looove the bunny wabbit purse!
Those shoes! I feel like making a pair myself!
I like the chaffinch glassware too.
Popping over to Kates' now to have a look!

Sandie xx

Sandies' Patch said...

Wow! Just been over to Kates' and the other rec'd site, thank you so much for sharing!

Sandie xx

Gina said...

What incredible shoes. I'm looking forward to visiting the Threads of Feeling exhibition too - I'm going to the curator's talk on 2nd Feb. I hope you start to feel better soon Viv.

Twiglet said...

Fabulous shoes - what little works of art they are!

lettice leaf said...

I nearly fell off my chair with laughing - Viv, you are a one! Two 'currents' don't make a teacake! What is she on about? Are you thinking of trading him in and getting the very latest model?

On a much more serious note I've been meaning to go to the sad, sad exhibition at the Foundling museum.

Love the shoes, trouble is they'll get your artistical juices going worse than they do now. Your makes will be even MORE stratosphericly good. And I'm sorry but I'll just have to quietly go away and slash my wrists over me sewing box. LLX

connie said...

What a fun post. I love shoes!!! These are exquisite... I just love your little needle case it is beautiful.

jenny elkins said...

love love love the shoes. wouldn't it be so great if we could make our own. makes me want to embellish some. the quilt looks greatover the sofa. you are always working and eveything is wonderful. sorry you are feeling badly. i have had a huge spurt of energy. it is like the calendar changed and things got better. hope you feel better soon.

found and sewn said...

lovely post. Those shoes are beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Hi Viv,
So sorry you are still not feeling well I do hope you will soon be back to your old self!
The visit to the museum looks very intersting I just love the wonderful silk shoes,

Pam x

Karen said...

Hi Viv, hope you are well??? I saw the Staffordshire Hoard at Birmingham and although it was only a small collection it completely blew me away. I also hope to go and see the exhibition at the foundling museum so now I'm going to check out the link!! Take care xxx

Linda Jo said...

Great post! Beautiful pictures! And now I have that song in my head for the rest of the day!

Woo Gilchrist said...

Lovely! I hope to also see that exhibition.

sharon said...

These are such great photos, thanks so much for sharing! Those shoes are amazing, as well as the glass ware!
Hope you feel better soon. Love your sewing cases especially, and your tiny purses, really gorgeous work.

Lilbitbrit said...

Thank you for showing the shoes. My great grandfather was a shoe maker in the East End of London and great uncle Alf was the last hand made shoemaker.

They made shoes for the theatre people, mostly. They were of French descent, possibly bringing their trade from France.

So I can envision them making shoes like this, beautiful shoes.

Lil Bit Brit

dls said...

Love the shoes..... thanks for taking the photos to share!

Cowboys and Custard Mercantile said...

Oh to have the dainty toes to fit into those dainty shoes.. and the rest!
What has really captured my heart is the painting on glass.. exquisite. All the more reason to dig out my paint brushes again..long time no see!

Michele xx

Anonymous said...

Fab shoes and in such good condition! You have reminded me to visit Brum again, thank you. It's nearly on the doorstep so I have no excuses.

sarah-jane down the lane said...

Ah the quilt looks absolutely brilliant Viv! I love that it is out to be seen.......
All those satin slippers have made me wistful for fairy tales....

Have a lovely week,

Love Sarah xXx

Julie Whitmore Pottery said...

wonderful crafts from the museum, especially fond of the glass work.
viv that rabbit purse is exquisite!

Bunty said...

What fabulous shoes!! I love vintage shoes and these are fabulous - I particularly love the white ones with the ankle strap - swoon, swoon - very Pride & Prejudice. Thanks for sharing your lovely photos.

I second the Museum of Costume in Bath - gorgeous displays. Also, Northampton has the Boot & Shoe Museum - being a shoe making city down the ages, they have cabinets full of all types of historical shoes.


Tea Potty said...

I haven't been to that museum in ages! Looks like it is time to pop in again. Glad you found a good use for the quilt!

Trixie@ the vintage bothy said...

Oooo shoes - did you get any ideas Viv?

sea-blue-sky & abstracts said...

So much to see that's beautiful - the shoes, I love them all! Hope that you start to feel a little bit better every day Viv. x

Deborah said...

Love the shoes, what beautiful colours and fabrics.

Your quilt looks amazing on the wall, I am so envious!

Love the free hand embroidery, I have just started practising myself.

Bee happy x

A time to dance said...

ooooh lots of lovliness to drool I love your needle case, sorry you are not feeling too well...sending you lots of love....H

Kate Kelleher said...

Love the shoes, what a collection. As for your quilt, it looks wonderful, I remember it had beautiful element to it, but seeing it as a whole piece is stunning. BTW are you planning on changing your 'current husband', do you have another one in mind?!!

Supercutetilly said...

Your blog is beautiful as are the things you make, I'm looking forward to dropping by again :-)

Anonymous said...

I read aobut threads of feelingin Selvedge magazine... I cant wait to hear from someone whohas actually been.

Meanwhile the shoes!

I can see some great stiching on it's way.

Vintage Fairy Tales Rebecka said...

What an interesting and inspiring post Viv!
Swedish television just sent a British drama about
The Pre-Raphaelites! It was great and very humorous have you seen it?
Love the shoes, I would have been very happy to take photos of them:)
Hope you are doing well

lettice leaf said...

Oh No! I feel something controversial coming on. Sorry Viv, I can't help it; probably statins, viagra or even the humble asprin might help me stop this addition I have - of saying it like it is (well in my case like I think it is). You don't need to put a note - asking folk not to copy your designs. Why? Because you have it: and the people that try to emulate you don't..... they never have and they never will. LLX

Jane said...

Ooh, thanks for sharing all this, Viv. Those shoes were fascinating. But as usual, your handiwork trumps it all. Just divine. And I adore your new header, you clever thing. J x

Greedy Nan said...

Those shoes probably know a few stories. I wonder where they've been and why.
There was an article in a recent Selvedge about the Foundling Museum; I'd like to take a trip up to London to visit it - sounds fascinating.

Jenny said...

What lovely shoe pictures, amazing! I love all your creations, the sweet needle case with it's little birds is just gorgeous:) what a lovely blog to come across! jenny xxx

mycuriousteaparty said...

Great post, what amazing shoes, all hand made, amazing. Thank you for sharing your wonderful photo's.

I am hoping to go to the Foundling museum in the next few weeks, trying to link it with a trip to the V & A who have an exhibition of Imperial Chinese Robes from the Forbidden City...

Elizabeth Johnson said...

The shoes are amazing. And I love your needle case!

Sharon Lovejoy said...

Love it all, especially the goldfinch on the glass bottle, but by far, your birdies on the needle case are THE BEST.

Love across the miles,

Sharon Lovejoy Writes from Sunflower House and a Little Green Island