Meet Mrs. Worsey
The days are fleeing ~ my long summer break is whizzing by at top speed, so I am trying to make the very best of the time off and produce something each day....... Ideas and inspirations I have floating around in the old grey stuff ~ it is so good to test them out.So here is one of those ideas ~ Mrs. Worsey is one of the drawings that I did, inspired by the wonderful primitive art I have discovered. I have hand drawn her along with her pet crow named 'Robin' on tracing paper, which I have sewn onto one of my collaged envelopes. They have beads for eyes which has given them both a rather menacing .......or is it a vacant stare?I adore the qualities of tracing paper ~ how you can see some parts of the collage very well and other parts are quite milky.

In my constant search for ephemera, I have found a really, really, really wonderful musty, Dickensian type bookshop at Presteigne. Rammed to the rafters with books and postcards. It is an honesty shop too, you browse and collect your would be purchases and then go down the street with items in hand to pay! A total joy! We visited again this weekend gone and here are a few of my finds:
Hand turned wooden vessel and natural jute string (not from bookshop :-) Both lovely finds from our day out.
These are my girls. I have had them exactly two years and each day has been a pleasure. We chat and exchange lots of time together. They also shout at me when they think it's time to be let into the garden! Betty is'nt here, she has gone broody on me again and is sitting on imaginary eggs for endless hours.
This is the view from my back door and I stepped out earlier and the summer glimmering and glistening just hit me. So I tried to take a photo to capture the moment. Of course, it's the atmosphere which is the trick to catch!!!
My mom and dad stopped by for a bit of lunch today and mom had bought these for me from a car boot yesterday. Lots of lovely stamps dated 1990 ....... 18 years ago ........eeeek. She had also sorted the buttons out from her own collection. The small brown ones, we think are a child's boot buttons.
Oh you really are 'cooking with gas' (Is that right?) Your garden is fab.I wish I had the odd flower in mine..I love Mrs Worsey. How much longer holiday have you got? Are you going away?
What wonderful exciting finds!
Love your recent work.
Yes you have a very beautiful garden.
I was wondering where you found your ephemera...
I love your wooden's very Holy Grail:)
I too love tracing paper - we use it on our Florence Hope labels.
i love a blog with chooks! lovely stuff you've found and made.
Hi Ive nominated you for an award - Im so glad i found your blog.
Some lovely finds and photographs but my favourite thing of all is Mrs Worsey. She's fabulous!
What a great read! i linked here from flickr, and I'm so glad I did!
Adding you to my blogroll - I love your finds, I want to keep up with them!
What fabulous finds, your artwork is adorable, I love your chooks too.
I love Mrs Worsey and the tracing paper effect. That book shop sounds wonderful. Wouldn't mind a little browse there myself.
Hi-di-Hi Henny
Thems some gorgeous chickens you've got there! :)
And loving Mrs.Worsey...hope you're enjoying the hols and the sunshine in your shed!
I'm enjoying my break but inspired by all your busyness!
Will be joining you soon, your new work is lovely!
What a lot of pretty things. I like Mrs W. She's funny. I also really really like the tracing paper idea. I love working with tracing paper mmm. Also, your chickens are lovely! I've been thinking of getting some chickens lately. Which car boot sale have you been going to?? I should check it out!
Oh and a lovely little outdoor sitting space you have there. I really must get a chair for our garden
I'm going to have to lie down after that post - so much goodness to take in!
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