Thursday 31 July 2008


We have had a new guest come to stay with us (for a short time, I hope) today. Her name is Butterfly Hugly and she insisted that I follow her around for the day and take a few snaps of her (she's very vain). She fancies herself as a super model.
So here goes......
We have a little garden pose going on here, she's doing the 'America's Next Top Model' thing!"I'm ready for my close up now, Mr. Deaville".
In my work room, telling me what to do and how to do it? She can be such a b.....!

Daisy is made to cuddle up (Daisy does not want to cuddle up, as can be seen from poor sad little me expression).
Typing a letter to her fans.

Lunch just about to be served ~ Gordan Ramsey has popped over to rustle something up, bless him. He does'nt swear in her company either. Feeling a little sluggish, so just a bit of exercise. She's a slave to it!
Too much exercise, so a rest infront of the box. She's having a fag break really.
Posing again, nothing it too much trouble for her art.
An afternoon by the pool.
The day finishes with a glass of red, (but no photos of that by me), as it happens, she got a bit merry and made a fool of herself. (She tumbled! The 'Paps' got it though. I think it will probably be in 'Heat' Magazine next Tuesday, the tumble that is).
Anyway, thank goodness, she has moved on now and left us, in a right old mess too, I can tell you, not so much as a 'thank you' either. Her new address ~ ~ so if you fancy having a 'Diva' come to stay, pop over and say 'Hello darling, sweetie', in a posh voice ;-)
A few more lovely blogs to take a looksy at :
Thanks for stopping by x


Michala Gyetvai (Kayla coo) said...

Hi Viv, Your hugglie is wonderful.
Just to let you know I could't get your link to work for folksy.

M x

Jackie said...

I think...and its only a might have too much time on your hands...:~]
I didn't know you had a Daisy. She looks so pretty with miss huggie.

ArtPropelled said...

Miss Hugly sure gets around doesn't she? Love her tape measure arms and leggs.

Gina said...

Miss Hugly is rather gorgeous. Thank you so much for the link and for the links to other wonderful blogs. I fear I shall never tear myself away from the computer at this rate!
Gina x

mimilove forever said...

See, they moan about the paparazzi but look at 'er all spread eagled by the pool...the strumpet! ;0)

pink-petal-designs said...

love miss Hugly !! Those legs and arms are brill

Bigbluebed said...

I am definately a fan of La Diva Hugly.

Mieke said...


Anonymous said...

Wonderful work and wonderful whimsy! I'm adding you to my reader. Thank you for a great blog!

Julia said...

Wow! What a star she pretty and saphotogenic!

Anonymous said...

I found your blog through flickr. Your items are awesome. I read half of one post and I'm already addicted to your blog! Off to add it to my google reader feed.

P.S. You have some really awesome items

Pippa said...

I love her!